Thoughts on this fish list, order or anarchy?


how do you all think this would work out?
1 yellow tang
1 volitan lion
1 purple tang
1 SF moray
1 angler
Which species of angler would you reccomend so as to not eat any of the others? would a large angel and 1 tang be better than 2 tangs? this would be for an 80 or 100 gal FOWLR tank since there would only be 2 active swimmers.
The tangs will fight, and angel would be a better choice. I don't know much about anglers but I do know that they do better in spieces only tanks because if they can't eat their tankmates then their tankmates will probably eat them.


few more questions:
would the large angel pick at the lion's fins and the angler?
if so, what would be a good alternative?
would a russels, radiata, or antenatta lion be better suited for a tank of this size?


ok, revised list:
1 yellow tang
1 medium lion (russels, radiata, or antenatta)
1 Harlequin crest or bellus/regal angel
1 sf moray
1 angler (small enough to not eat anyone)


generally anglers should be kept only in a species tank due to their highly predatory nature. but, if you're still not deterred, Wartskin angler is your best bet....they're one of the smallest angler species.....reach mere 4" at max....but another problem is that SFE will outgrow angler pretty soon.......there is a possiblity that SFE might eat your future angler....though a very slim chance.....regal angel is the most challenging angel to keep in captivity.......due to their dietary requirements and many other factors.....most of them just perish in also have to have a mature tank to house one of there fishes.....


Angels generally have a better survival rate in an established tank, like a year old or more.
The angler would hide all the time and you'd never see it with those other active fish, aside from the eating fish/getting eaten issue.
Be prepared to quarantine all fish for at least 4 weeks before adding to your main display tank, or you could introduce parasites and end up having to medicate the whole thing, something you dont want to do.
Good Luck, keep asking questions.


***********.com occasionally have some erroneous information regarding the ease of caring a certain fish that they have on sale. but, most of information on their website is quite reliable. therefore, you should do a lot of research before the prospective purchase to really know what you're getting into.


cool, thanks for the opinions guys! Might do without the angler then. And what about your opinon of a bellus or swallowtail angel vs. a harlequin crest for ease of care and not picking on the lion?



Originally posted by Bullshark
Angels generally have a better survival rate in an established tank, like a year old or more.

I made the above statement so you wouldnt get an angel until your tank is mature. I saw this same post over at --, too.


Active Member
Just to clarify my tang from your LIST. Yellows can live together if introduced together, and yellows do OK with blue hippo tangs and sailfins, if the yellow is added last.. You could have more than one tang...just not THOSE two tangs. You need to get a good reference on them, though. I don't know all the tangs that can live in harmony. I've only had experience with yellows, blue hippos, sohols, sailfins and purples.
Sorry...hope I didn't confuse you too much.
I still think the angler is a bad idea.


Active Member
I think so. If you're still deciding, I'd get the bigger tank, though. I have housed a blue hippo and yellow together, and I've seen a number of set ups w/blue hippos and yellows. Introduce the yellow last, though after the blue is settled. Yellows can be pretty aggressive.
Blue hippos, btw, are ich magnets...just to warn you. They're for established tanks only. They stress easily.


yeah I have been doing searches and it seems like all tangs are ich magnets... Being new to SW, I'm not sure if I want to deal with that and risk infecting the rest of my tank... Tangs are so purty though