Thoughts to what two eels best to mix


New Member
Hi people
, im new but yet i do have a few years under my belt as the saying goes. I for right now only a 90 gallon tank and is promised a 125 gallon tank before this year is out. I often wonder in having a few eels in one tank and the more i think of it the more i like it.
Now im no idiot on this for there is much concerns of the eels that i would have in size or so. Now this next request is not meant too insult anyone here on what they know, but i like to hear from anyone who done things with eels for a very long time. Again im sorry to say that a long time means many years and not just a few years.
Under the present budget i have right now, i cannot afford a camera for i say this now for i been for few weeks now viewing a number of topics and people are always asking to see pictures.
In my 90 right now i a tusk fish, golden tail eel with a dwarf lionfish and with few small damsels fish.
So with time to select, i like the best possible two eel choices to go with for the 125 gallon tank, for i never as yet had mixed eel species before. Just the same would like any suggestions that isn`t so crazy and being that i time before this 125 is around, i will follow up as much research that i can on all suggestions.
Thanks in advance


Active Member
In a 125, I would do 2 snowflakes, if you're looking to do mulitple eels. All the others pretty much would require a 125+ alone. Just be sure to add the 2 snowflakes at the same time, to reduce the chance for aggression.


New Member
My apologies, for i think i should had made known that i want to see about getting two types of eel that i could feed mostly strips of fish and squid like grouper, salmon or cod as well as octopus and squid. Not to mention shrimp as well, I like it to be as plain and simple for as i move on in my studies as well as off to college, i have just enough time to pare in doing exactly this.
For isn't it so that the snowflake eel mostly prefer to have crab and shrimps and such? Other then strips of fish. The golden tail i have now for almost three years and other then their size as for types of fish im able to cut into strips, the eel is quite easy too manage.
So with all honesty, I really like to have a pair if at all possible that would feed on fresh fish or so for I not know if im asking for too much here my question, but out there with all the type of eels one can choose from, there must be a pair that i could mix in a 125, there has to be :(
It is the reason for my asking for one who has much background within morays for at one the local fish stores near me says that there are so many to even chose from that they no idea on just how many types of eels there be, only that one the local fish stores said to me that if they were to keep info on all the eels, they would need a memory chip in their heads to hold such data.
So i think because of what i was told at the stores that most people not know of all the types of eels one could select from. I do thank you for the thought but i will hold out to get some other answer to this, for i can promise you that i am very serious in doing this if at all possible.
Who is the best knowledgeable person here when it comes to eels?
Thanks Again


Active Member
Welcome back, DME/Eels/Dragon Moray Eels/and now Bobby...
Glad to hear that your male DME made it through the injuries sustained from the rocks falling on him.


New Member
What in the world are you talking about? And what is this about injuries from falling rocks? I have to guess that you have me mix up with someone else.So if your nothing to offer me on pairing up as tank mates two eels, then please take your comedy elsewhere. :notsure:
PS. Please people, no others like this joker AW2x3 for i am serious in ideas on pairing mix eels in a 125 gallon tank, that is if it is feasible. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Welcome back, DME/Eels/Dragon Moray Eels/and now Bobby...
Glad someone else noticed this too. I saw the same post at -- and was curious. Didn't say anything though. Oh well... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
Glad someone else noticed this too. I saw the same post at -- and was curious. Didn't say anything though. Oh well... :thinking:

I couldnt stop laughing, when I saw the same post at --.
He even logged out of the new name, logged back in as DragonMorayEels and answered himself.


New Member
He even logged out of the new name, logged back in as DragonMorayEels and answered himself.
newtotanks 07/18/2006 09:50 PM
DragonMorayEels 07/19/2006 06:38 AM
which was some nine hours later and in between three others had answered before I did

For you can remain as this sites professional BS person, for you know very well you have no true experience in keeping fish for any number of years and you as the child you are, in your 90 with two eels run out on your birthday to buy yourself two fish and you preach to others here not to buy anything they not have to room for.
You will be happy to hear that my blood pressure is up and I couldn't` careless of those who think your so professional for it still makes me laugh, you always at times say you had catsharks and those triggers as well as so many tangs and all those poor fish died on you.
I know you would had like that my male dragon died so you can run your big stupid mouth as you always done for the past two years. For you told nonsense and I told the truth about what you really know for these people can get the same answers from most anyone as well on your data on species by doing the a word search as you done.
I would love to have you right in front of me so with one hand I would snap you stupid neck like a dried out twig for all the BS you did ever since I refused to answer you in instant messages, you been very rude in all you tried to do. And you cuss as well, so you must be the devil in disguise and as far as -- goes, I can PM the staff and end it but to many people because of your idiotic cy makes me feel that most people in the forums aren't worth the headaches and I could simply give these locations up. Specially sites that allows people like you to post crap like grimreefers, sly and that drew person emailed me asking for me to return that time, that has to been a joke as well they both promised they would stop anything as what you did before and thanks too you shown me that they are as much a liar as you are.
As for the part that you are no pro hobbyist, their are so many who keep a fish a live for so many years and you not managed to keep anything other then a whitemouth eel for I think it was 1.5 year for you not as yet had the dme for a half that long.
You put your buddies up to posting in -- in your stead for I certainly know that for no one would do that other then yourself for you have no reasoning in you as a person and then again you behaved in the past two years as someone who couldn`t be a human being.
You say you wanted I leave you a lone and I told you that too many times and you never let me be. You tried all kinds of crap in turning everyone on me that you can and the only difference there with me is I'm not like you, I told others before I told you that I cannot continue with even that I was exposing you for the phony you are, I not feel good about it just the same.
It is what separates the two of us for you have no morals and I do which is why I cannot go on in exposing your phoniness. So you assume that anyone who post an eel question is me?? LMBO For one of your buddies post for you in that fishboy thread.
Your nonsense is so petty in what you did from the start some two years ago and it is all out of hate and nothing more. And I still cannot understand it.
As is Andy, you are a long way off from knowing of the many eels and it takes more hands on with the many different species then simply reading what little you can find for as I said, your data you gave on the last five or so was incorrect and if you were a nice person, I would had nicely told you about it.
So best of luck on that idea of eight dragons and I hope this will not be in your 90 for it is already a bit over crowded. What a pro you are
