

Active Member
Hey, I have a 55 gallon aquarium with a tomato clown and two yellow tail blue damsels. WHat can go with them??? I like tangs and other stuff... will ne of those work? Any other thoughts..


people here dont like people putting tang in a 55. Although my powder brown tang is doing just fine.
Tangs grow rather large and will become stressed in too small an environment and that will usually lead to infection and disease (ich, etc.). However, a small tang may work in a 55, like a purple or a Kole tang. HTH


Active Member
.). However, a small tang may work in a 55, like a purple
That is just flat out horrible advise. Purple's are one of the larger and most aggressive tangs out there. A 125 is the absolute minimum for one, IMO. They are very robust fish and need the room for their own good and for the other fishes own good. Bo


Active Member
no tangs should be in a 55
but. a koles is the smaler more docile tang, if you must have a tang look at them, BUT I highly reccomend against them.
dwarf angels
other species of damsels
gobies(but the tomato may pick on most of them)
Hmmm... someone told me once a purple was one of the smallest... I guess it's not, disregard that first thought. And Bo, thanks for being understanding when people make mistakes.


first of all for any of the new fish you're getting make sure that they won't eat any or your inverts. Does your crabs get a long with your mandarin, because I want to get and arrow crab but not sure if it would east my mandarin because he is small tell me please