Three different algae's?


Okay, I have three different algae's in my aquarium. The water paramaters are perfect. I only have one fish and an anemone. Here are the pictures. The first one is black, the second is brown, and the third is dark green



Active Member
my guess would be you have high phosphates and are overfeeding a little since it looks like cyano. It can also be from inadequate flow. Post ALL info on your tank, size lights feeding schedule water chemistry etc...


Okay here's the last two weeks params
High range PH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
this week.
High range PH: 8.4
The tank is a 29 gallon tank with 1 Clown fish, a snail, and condi anemone. The light is a Sattelite. I feed my clownfish 2 little flakes per day in the morning. My aquarium is in between two windows. I do a 15% about every 1 to 2 weeks. The filtration I use is Whisper filter, the heater is called Neptune


Active Member
Cyano relies on three things. Get rid of them all, and you can usually defeat it.
1. Phosphates. Come in from whatever you're feeding, or your water. Test your source water or have it tested to eliminate your water as a possible source. Cut down on feeding to reduce phosphate entering from the food. Get some type of phosphate remover (a couple good threads in progress right now on that topic).
2. Low flow. Cyano tends to grow in low flow locations in the tank. Put a PH closer to those locations, and that should help. Make sure you're turning your tank 10x.
3. Lighting. If you don't have corals, turn your lights off for a week, and make sure you're not getting sunlight on the tank.