Three "Jumpers" this weekend



This holiday weekend sucked for me and three of my fish as they jumped out of my reef tank.
Something like has only happened one or twice in my 11 years in this hobby. I lost a bi-color angel, a purple firefish, and my all-time favorite fish, a purple tang. In two days, three fish jumped out. My tank had no glass tops, but as of today it is now covered. I went to HD and got two large pieces of plexiglass cut to cover the tank. Then, I drill three inch diameter holes on the covers to allow for evaporation, gas exchange, etc. Then, I covered the large holes with window screen, which I siliconed to the plexiglass.


I'm sorry for your loss as well. :( We all learn from our mistakes....unfortunately, some are worse than others.
Maybe your husband/wife/significant other will feel bad and buy you new fish?

yeffre kix

Hmmm...sounds a little suspicious. Maybe one jumper, but three at a time? How stable are your water contiions ? Could anything have been accidently introduced to the tank? Sounds like something was bothering the fish and they were trying find better conditions.
Eggcrate works well for a tank topper. Allows full light to enter and gives plenty of ventilation. I use it on my aggressive tank so my snowflake eel doesn't carpet dive. Its the stuff they use to cover flourescent lights, a plastic grid of squares about 3/8" in size. It comes in sheets like 48"X24" for under $10.


SOunds like his fish watched to much finding nemo and forgat the bags. I am surprise by the purple tang & angel the fire fish they are common jumpers but that really sucks sorry for your bad week end


What is with the carpet diving this weekend? I lost my diamond back goby. I only had him for 2 half of my sand was sifted and the other half looks like crap. I have never lost a fish due to it jumping out of the tank I guess I will invest in some egg crate this week.


Eggcrate doesnt work for firefish....... I had one jump on a Sunday eve., immediately I went to Home Depot and begged the guy to let me rush in at closing to get some. Came flying home, cut it to size and then Monday 2 more firefish jumped straight through the crate like it wasnt even there :mad: Now I only have one firefish left apparently he is the smart one I have had him almost a year now. Sorry about your loss, Carrie


I never thought of eggcrate, but as ^^ said, it won't work for fire fish. I know it sounds a little funky, :thinking: so the first thing I did was check everything; all was fine.
I've been doing this for 11 years so I'm not a newbie. I did however find the source of the jumpers. :mad: We (my wife) just got another cat for a total of three. Well, the other day I found "Paco" jumping up and up and up and pawing at the glass. So what I think happened was that at various times the fish were crusin' by the top of the tank and when Paco jumped up, it startled them and they flinched....and out they went. Granted this will never happen again because of my engineering endeavors, but if it did, the cat would go!! Don't get me wrong, I love all animals, but only the wife & kids come before my tanks, oh yeah and my dogs too. May "Frenchie" "Ozzy" and "Lucy" R.I.P.