Three-Stripe Damsel... advice please


New Member
My friend has two "three-stripe damsels" and he cant take care of them anymore. I have a 55 gallon tank... and I was wondering what everyone's opinion is about putting them in there. They are super cute and they are small in size... they have been living together in a 10 gallon tank and seem to get along with each other. I was just wondering if they will fight with my other fish... I have: Clownfish, blue tang, lawnmower blenny, Pink Skunk Clownfish, Clown Goby - Green, Clown Goby - Citron and an Arch Eye Hawkfish. I just want opinions on what everybody thinks... and personal experiences.
Thanks soo much!!


New Member
Hmmm... that stinks. I was hoping to add them because I love how they swim... would make a great addition to my tank if they werent soo mean.


They say they aren't mean when they are a juvenille, but when they are an adult they are really mean. But they are aggressive no atter what.