Throught I'd share a little essay I wrote in school

zack schwartz

Active Member
Well I wrote this for school open essay subject hope you like it! Rember I am in 7th grade so this really does happen ok here it goes...
When I am not feeling well, my Mom always takes care of me. She always listens to me and treats me with respect. When I need help with schoolwork or anything, my Dad is always there to help me. Even my brother will help me sometimes with my homework. That is why I get so upset when I am treated poorly at some fish stores. I am always kind and polite to the employees, but they seem to have no respect for me. If I go in with my parents then they are all nice and helpful. I get very little respect at fish stores, resulting in less information for me.
I have a large collection of fish and fish tanks. I go to different fish stores a lot to check out new fish, corals, and equipment for my tanks. Often, when I go into the fish stores on my own, the employees pretend as if I am not there. Even when I say, "Excuse me," they ignore me. They usually will roll their eyes in disgust if I keep at them with questions. I believe this is because I am a kid. They think I have no money so why should they bother with me. I also think that they are prejudiced against kids because they think we are stupid. When I take out my twenty-dollar bills to pay they change their attitude towards me very quickly. They are always willing to sell me this or that once they see my money.
One way to get treated with the respect I deserve would be to show that I have my own money. I would have to buy something with my own money. If I did that maybe the next time I come in I would be treated correctly. I could share my knowledge with the people who work there. If I they continue to ignore me, I would get really upset. Then I would stop going to that particular fish store altogether. That would be hard for me to do because there are few good fish stores. The solution that would work best would be to pay with my own money and then next time I come I would receive helpful information and respect.
The benefits of this solution are many. First off, I would be able to purchase what I need for my tanks and fish. I would be able to go to the best fish stores. More important, I would receive some respect. The store would benefit also because they would get my business. I think both of us would benefit from our being able to talk about fish. Best of all, my parents would benefit because they would not have to always come with me when I go to the fish store.
When I go to fish stores I receive little or no respect from the staff working there. My solution to this would be to buy something there and when they see I do have money, the next time I come I could obtain good information. This would benefit everyone by me getting me what I need for my tanks. For my parents by not always having to come in. For the store that would be selling my product, they would get my money. what u think. This got me a job as taking care of mybteachers beeta fish for $20!!!


Active Member
I give you all of the respect that you deserve Zack. Keep up the good work and I will too. Hopefully someday I will have nice tanks like yours.


Here's an anecdote to cheer you up Zack.
Many years ago, in New York City, a very scruffy looking man walked into a Cadillac dealership in lower Manhattan. The salesmen in their meticulous suits and silk ties paid little attention to the man, since he was dressed in dirty pants, an old shirt not tucked in, and had old, worn shoes on.
The man politely asked one of the salesmen about the new Cadillac convertible, and the salesman said, "Sir, I'm busy, I have customers to deal with, please don't bother me."
The man replied, "I'm a customer too. Why don't you help me?"
The salesman sneered at him, and said, "I hardly think you're a customer sir, thank you." and walked away.
The man walked out the door, walked into the Lincoln dealership across the street, and paid cash on the spot for a brand new Continental. He then drove up to the Cadillac dealer, pulled onto the curb, and raised a certain finger on both hands at the salesman that had been so rude to him.
The man's name was Howard Hughes. He loved to see how people would react to his attire, and judged many by their reaction.
Any salesman worth his salt knows better then to judge a book by it's cover, so remember, the problem in the pet store is THEIRS, not yours.
Have a great day dude, and you go right on shopping!


Active Member
Hey Zack, you sound like a very intelligent young man , dont let people get you down,you have a long way to go in life,
enjoy your hobby,take it easy, best of luck to you:D


I've been on this BB for a while, and you (Zack) have been here too. I would venture to say that you probably know more than a vast majority of the people working at those stores you go to. You seem to be always learning, asking good questions and helping out others. This is what life is all about, and you seem to have a good handle on it early on. Keep up the good work. Maybe I'll see you one of these days down at AC or BS. I would have saved some major money if I would have taken the approach you did when I got into this hobby!:D


Active Member
Im 17, i just kept with the action of "killing them with kindness" there becomes a fine line between becoming pleasing to talk with and annoying. My hardest step was keeping a balance. But i continued to come in and i asked questions when i needed. One thing you will find is as much as you would like, they cant spend all day talking to you about SW aquariums. If it is for information and not just socialization they will recgonize that. To this day my manager tells me about a group of people that come in every other day just to talk, when the fact is that we have to run a buisness, but if it is in regards to a home tank or a product then we are urged to help. It is hard but i do have to tell people that i cant talk with them forever( nowhere near that harsh though) It can all be done with curteousy though. So to anwser your question, keep your chin up and dont do any thing you would regret later, and if it is really bugging you just find a different fish store, the whole city cant be mean. But like i said it will only get better over time.


nice writing,
rember do what i told you walk tall ,stand straight, cheast out, and speak with authority, u know u have the cash in pocket , don't be rude but at the same time don't be a wimp, don't ask them how much something is , say what u getting for this let them become intmidated soon enough they will be saying hello to you, when u first walk through that door as far as asking them for info well around my area i might ask a thing or 2 just to test them, but u know i get the real answers right hear to any questions i have


Active Member
Zack - 1st - as a former English teacher - good job!! OF course I taught high school and they were always concerned with mroe important things (namely driving).
One suggestion - you are old enough to get a part time gig - why not try getting on with a LFS in your area- the big chains may be harder to get on with so a local one would not be bad. I'd bring some good pictures of your tank and a good pen to fill out an application!
Kickster- did not think u were so young! Never headed up to your store -girls gotworn out @ the Olathe PArade and were in no shape to travewl - even to see fish!


Active Member
im only 18 so i kinda go through the same thing as you. when i dont get treated right i let them know. as a consumer it isn't my job to chase the salesmen around. i feel that they should be chasing me. at times you gotta act like an ass. i can be a very snooty person. i dont like to get walked over. tell them that you know what you want, and you want help getting it. if they ignore you throw up another store in conversation and let them know that you owe them nothing and are willing to go elsewhere. i used to be nice and say excuse me and keep following the salesmen around till he would help me. now if i need something and they ignore me ill interrupt them or whatever. it's not good people skills, but all i want from them is their products. i dont need a friend or advice(anymore, being that from what i was told here their advice is wrong). just let them know you have money and arent afraid to spend it elsewhere. dont go in acting like an ass, but treat them with the respect they give you. an employee at a pet store doesnt deserve my utmost respect if i get none in return.


Active Member
Olathe huh? (I used to live there) That was only about 25 min from my work, its too bad you couldnt have stopped by, I could have given you the grand tour and shown you the good stuff. ( i feed everyday so i know what is doing well) and i try to fix those that arent. Mabye some other time. I've been told we have the best selection of SW animals for the KC area. Ihavent been to them all but we do have a nice selection compared to the other stores i have been to. Hopefully my youth won't deter you from my knowledge.
Sorry this was off-topic

zack schwartz

Active Member
Ok well I am set next time i head to the lfs!! it kinda sucks becuse the one store that does treat me with respewct is the most expenisive and has a poor line of corals not very healthy!! But now I am set thanks agin and thankls for reading the essay
Hey Zack...I work at a LFS in Seattle. Which ones have you been to, and which one treats you well? I'm not extremely knowledgeable (sp?) but I would be honored to have you as a customer. I love to see the young people in the hobby. Not that I'm all that old, but I have been in the hobby for 19 years, mostly freshwater though. Feel free to email me,


One thing you did not mention is if you spoke with the managers or not. Just remember that some managers are busy with paperwork and cannot get onto the floor all the time. When a customer is ready to stop doing business with them they will listen. Hit them where it hurts--money!

zack schwartz

Active Member
well I really don't know who the mangers are but I know the people who stay on the floore all the time. hey iloveflame I sernt u mail