Thunder scared clownfish into anemone


New Member
Strange coincidence,my tomatoe clowns started hosting after thunder storm,hahaha.This is my first post.I've been reading over forum,and tried using a few differant tricks I read about to get my clowns to host my bta,with no luck.I tried using a picture,and evan found an ornament with a clown in an anemone,and no luck till last nights storm,hahaha.My dog and I were huddled in living room together,as the thunder and lightning was a bit scary. The power went out for a couple of hours,and came back on after dark, to my surprise both tomatoes' were hosting 2 differant btas'. One was sharing bta with my ocellaris,hahaha.Neither have hosted before as they are tank raised from local university,and are about the same age,and bought at same time.I'm still new to saltwater and loving it:eek:
).I have 3 btas',2 ocellaris,2 tomatoes',and one pygmy angel.Looks like a new tank in near future,as my tomatoes'are hogging anemones',and not sharing with ocellaris,hahaha.


New Member
Cool.I think the ornament I found in lfs helped.Just thought storm was funny story,and am glad their finally hosting.