Thursday night 6pak



Don't ya love it? I went to the LFS this afternoon and there was half a dozen boxes waiting to be unloaded...any corals I ask? sure about 6pm, they should be out they said... I was there at 6:00, and he had a few I liked, and I could buy before they started to decline too badly in his tanks.. a few neat polyps, a plate, and an elegance. I have some photos of the first two, the Elegance will take a day or two to open up just right..others are of older stuff...thanks for looking...



My Camera is a Canon Z65 Camcorder in Camera mode using the memory card.
Mushrooms: I always seem to have trouble with them. Under lower lights (40 > 130 watts) they stretch real cool and get pretty big. Under my current lighting, 260 watts, they just sort of sit there...even moved them around a bit to lower light... dunno, everything else is fine (for now :) ) I had two Hairy green hairy mushrooms that went from a quarter size to about 4 inches, under my old lighting, and a coupla ricordias that were doing fine. Now I can't seem to keep em. On the other hand, the new lighting helped everything else out twice as nice... I think someday I'll keep a low lit mushroom only tank. That is when I win the lottery and build my own personal aquarium room with multiple tanks...

Zoos: Gotta be patient, ask your Lfs when they get shipments in (and be first in line, to look at the goods..), and ask if they might order some for you in their next order. Most will, if you ask, heck they know they will sell them.
thanks for looking..


Active Member
what LFS did you go to for those? I'm looking to get as many color zoos as I can. If you are interested in fragging them somewhere down the road, let me know. We could trade or I'll pay cash for some frags.