Tiger Jawfish/Jawfish ??


After hitting the 4 fish stores on Monday, I finally found what I was looking for.
Tiger Jawfish - Opistognathus sp.
He is about 3 inches long. Immediately began digging his burrow. Within a few hours it was complete.
After 24 hours, he decided to change spots. Now he is in a stupid location.
Do these guys build multiple burrows? How can I safely evict a Jawfish from a certain location without harm?


Active Member
Let him be. He will go where he wants. Mine has been in 3 different places now. I think this spot is his favorite though as he has lined the opening with shells and coral skeletons.



Nice pics! I'll try to get a couple in here.
Mine has dug about 4 spots now. It decided spot #1 is the best.