I can't believe you thought he was serious - i can see where there have been cases where people have been, but jeez...a tiger shark?
Could have been a baby tiger shark.
The smiley at the end does not change what it tells me. You asked what it tells me, not what does it mean in general. Heck, now I have to seek counceling!!:notsure:
The smiley at the end does not change what it tells me. You asked what it tells me, not what does it mean in general.
Huh? Now you got me confused. :notsure:
I just wasted like 10 minutes reading this whole thread. :nope: .........And i think its hilarius:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
Yo lionfish,you are the dumb lion and iam the smart lion.
Well anyways i have a 10 trillon gallon in my back yard that has 2 great white sharks,one tiger shark,one whale shark,and 50 damsels.My sharks dont seem to bother my damsels?I wonder why???