Tiger Tail Cuc going after Serpant Star???


I was scraping coraline algae today and I happend to notice a couple of legs kinda twisted together on my serpant star in a goopy sort of slime from the tiger tail cuc. (I think) It looked like the tiger tail was going to try and consume the serpant star. Could this be so???? I quickly got my flashlight and after several seconds the star was able to get away as the cuc retracted from the light. Do I need to be worried about this? I know everyone has pros and cons when it comes to the tiger tail but I have never had any trouble with him. Will they eat serpant and brittle stars??


ok, Maybe I have it wrong. Maybe the Tiger Tail is not doing so well and the Serpant Star is after it? I dont know what to think. They are both hanging together so I dont know. I understand the Cuc can be toxic if it is on its way out so I guess I will keep an eye on things.


Its right at 1 1/2 yrs old.
I am getting ready to do a water change. My siphon pump quit working this past week on my pump and I had to order one and it will not be here until next week and I know this has to be hurting things because my filter is not working properly w/o it. I drove to all the lfs with no luck so one is on the way.
Water parameters are off.....
salinity 1.026
Nitrates have spiked to almost 40!!!! Yikes!!!
Nitrites 0
Alk 300
PH 8.4
My pump will not be in until Wed. I hope everything will be okay until then.


Originally Posted by Sirk http:///forum/post/2620514
Its right at 1 1/2 yrs old.
I am getting ready to do a water change. My siphon pump quit working this past week on my pump and I had to order one and it will not be here until next week and I know this has to be hurting things because my filter is not working properly w/o it. I drove to all the lfs with no luck so one is on the way.
Water parameters are off.....
salinity 1.026
Nitrates have spiked to almost 40!!!! Yikes!!!
Nitrites 0
Alk 300
PH 8.4
My pump will not be in until Wed. I hope everything will be okay until then.
PM.. Ophiura she is the starfish Guru. she has helped alot with a problem that I have had concerning a sand sifting star, she might be able to help. below is the link to so questions and answers from my problem. I dont know alot about the serpant except that, these Starfish are very sensitive to any change in water conditions.


thanks for the link. I went ahead and put the tiger tail in my refugium for right now as the nitrates are undetectable in there. He seems to have perked up a little. Due to my pump issues it is not flowing into my main tank right now but hopefully on Wed. when my pump comes in everything will get back to normal. I did a water change and it brought the nitrates down some but not enough. I will do another one today. Everthing else in the tank seems to be ok. I am sure they are a little stressed but they are all acting very fine and looking very healthy so I will keep my fingers crossed. Thanks!!