Now, BEFORE you go and tell me that all Sea Cucumbers are time bombs, I want to hear from the pros exactly how safe this Cucumber is (Holothuria hilla).
Is it an effective sand cleaner? That's the reason I'm looking into them.
pretty much as safe as it gets with cucumbers. Sea apples are what you have to watch out for. Along sand cleaning, they are much better than other things sold like sand sifting stars and gobies. The only eat the detritus, not all the fauna in your sand. The only problem I see with them is that they're kinda ugly.
I think they're funny haha.
This is what I plan on in my tank:
1 Butterflyfish
1 Dwarf Angelfish
2 Firefish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Solar Fairy Wrasse
1 Banggai Cardinalfish
Are any of these fish likely to pick on the cucumber?
Exactly how large does it get and how quickly? I've seen between 18" and 6 feet.