Tigger people: can I add this fish?


We have a Bluejaw and a Niger. Both I think would hold their own against eels but they are not mean or threatening to anything else in the tank. The Niger is the coolest fish. Lots of personality and great colors.


First off, tell that store guy to stop feeding it goldfish, for gods sake!
Seconds, I have personal experience that a Queen Trigger WILL kill EVERYTHING in the tank.....
Queens need to live alone...
They are in my top 3 favorite fish of all time.


Active Member
I have a very small (1.5") NIger in another FOWLR. I think I'll just wait till he gets bigger and perhaps add him to the eel tank (right now, he'd be food)
How long will it take for him to get bigger (I've had him for a year...and he hasn't grown that much!)?
I really like the Bluejaws, and I also think the Pinktails are cool looking...but these are listed as fairly passive triggers in my atlas, and I'd need a pretty tenacious fish if I were to add it to the eel tank...
BTW, thanks to everyone for all the advice.


Sorry to throw a kink in the discussion, but where does a humu humu Picasso trigger come in on the agression index?
I have a small one about 2.5in living with a Lion, 3 tangs and a wrasse.
No problems with him, but when he gets big I don't want to do a head count every time i come home.
He seems very cute and innocent at this age...... any horror stories with this fish?

beach bum

Take it for what it is worth, but I can give you two personal experiences with queen triggers - the only two stories I know that are not second-hand, and they are both positive.
One was the guy I bought my 180 from, his inhabitants were a 14" queen triggerfish and an approx. 14" volitans. He also had some other smaller fish (a 6" queen angel the most impressive among them) but the queen and lion were housed together for years and he never had a problem.
Second one can still be seen at Tropical Paradise in San Leandro, California. It is about a 220g with close to ten fish. 8" clown trigger, about an 8" niger, 8-10" porc puffer, some BIG damsels, harlequin tusk (I think), and a couple others - including a 16" (minimum!) queen triggerfish - bigger than your head when it cruises by. NO problems - the fish came from one of the customer's tanks they maintain because it got to be too big and that owner never had problems either.
If you live in the bay area stop by and see it or talk to them about it, quite impressive.
So I definitely think that there is a chance the eels and queen could co-exist. And I doubt the trigger would kill them outright, so if you noticed damage or chewing or whatever you would have a chance to remove the trigger.
2 cents...


I am with you on this Eric. I have a Huma Huma, he's about 2 inches........he pals around with my clown and doesn't bother anything in the tank........with one exception............I HAD a camel back shrimp for about 15 minutes. He is a cool fish, great personality........spits water out of the tank when he's hungry....BUT, from what I have heard.......my clown will soon be moving to a 30 gallon tank his own before he even h as a chance to be Huma food!


Humu Humu's aggression will increase as they mature so they might not cause any trouble at first, but could turn into a terror down the road.