Time for BTA split?


I think my bta may be in the process of splitting, but its been a few days. Anyone read about or experienced a split that took more than a week?


Mine has been in the process for 3 months. It has 2 feet spread about 2 inches but I guess it has no reason to move and finish tearing itself apart. I have been trying to document it on video but not gettin any cooperation. Would like to hear other stories on this myself.


Active Member
I don't believe it should take 3 months for a BTA to split. Each time mine have, it has been overnight....go to sleep with one, wake up with two.
What kind of lights is it under? Have you fed it meaty foods prior to the split? I had one early on when my lighting really wasn't adequate, and it was too weak to finish the split and died.



Originally posted by Buzz
I don't believe it should take 3 months for a BTA to split. Each time mine have, it has been overnight....go to sleep with one, wake up with two.

I agree with Buzz, once more. It shouldn't take that long for them to split. Mine went real fast. A matter of a day.