Time for fish


Have you ever had a problem with buying fish? Now that my tank has finished its cycle and the snails and crabs have a handle on the algae bloom, I m ready for some fish. I do have a false percula, but I went today to get a new fish and I couldnt find one that caught my eye. The store had some nice hifin cardinals and I like those but for some reason I couldnt buy one. You guys ever had this kind of problem? When can I get a yellow tang. I know that I do want on of these.


Active Member
Yellow tang are pretty hardy and if your tank is done cycling you can get one. But they need room to swim. Many new to the hobby get a small one and put him into a 20 or 30 gallon not realizing how big they get. Or how quick. I fyou have a large tank(75 or better) then I would reccomend getting one. If not I would explore other options.<a href="http://hometown.aol.com/flmeangl44/index.html" target="_blank"> :) CLICK HERE TO SEE MY REEF :) </a>


A hippo/regal tang would be nice, I'm guessing, eef safe,. and fit in perfect cleaning your tank. IOf you don'
t have crustaceans, an eel (like a snowflake), but you might lose the hermits. Also a grouper, maybe a six-line, or a miniatus, but they'll eat small fish, and your percula prolly (depends on growth), but the grouper would be your next to last fish (ie. one other small fish).
Foxfaces are also cool;, or 2-3 cardinals woul;d also work with your percula. Might wanrt to try 2 smaller cardinalfish, or a larger one, or a hawk. But shrimp will be toast usually with these fish. Foxfaces are safe, as are hippos. :)


Also 4-6 (or 7) gobies would be great for your tank, and safe. Make sure everything will get along FIRST. ;)