Time for some new leds



I need some help in deciding which fixture is great for my 27gallon cube...its 20x18x20. I have been reading around on each led fixture. I have basically narrowed down to two fixtures...Ecotech Radion 30W and AI Vega Color w/ controller.. I would like to have some inputs from owners of these fixtures so i can make the right choice. I want controllability and sps growth. Also, if there another fixture I might have over look that anyone would suggest, feel free to name it and tell me some info about it.


For a premade fixture, I prefer AcanLighting and AI. Not impressed with the Radions at all.
If you're at all handy, a DIY fixture for that size tank would work well. RapidLED sells kits and makes it really simple.


I actually jus bought a Maxspect Razor. the 20" model in 16K . has programmability 120W, fully adjustable channels and comes in 16K spectrum or a whiter 10k both of which like I said are dimmable. I actually started a review thread on here and will be writing it once the lights get here wednesday