Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…


New Member
Originally Posted by saltfreak4
You guys argue about everything. I love it!! Lot's of information in the arguments, I learn a lot
I have never kept chiclids but I have a close friend with like 5 tanks or something, he adds the salt to the water. This man has never had an ich attack and his fish live forever and they are huge. ADD THE SALT JMO
Agreed.....Can't we all just get along????? LOL


Well, I figure for all the help, I would show you guys some pictures of the tank move...

I didn’t have my camera ready in time to get a tank shot with the old decorations inside, so here it is BEFORE the move.

A shot of my business partner, “The Man, Erick”

Poor fishies and the POO Water...

Woohoo, the tank is in a new location...

Look how bad it has been scratched by the previous cleaners and the wear of the Sun over the last 6 years...


Cool, the Fluval 305... Sure it’s not the 405, but it does the trick...

We Upgraded Everything... Light, Filter, Blowers, Substrate, Heater, Etc.

(The Fish) “What are they building over there?”

Tubs full of water and old decorations...


Doh, who said Crushed Coral was a good idea??? “Milky Fricking Water”

Had to put up a sign for the kids while we dealt with the milk water problem. (Note Reads: “ The fish are currently attending fishy daycare while their tank is being cleaned. They miss everyone and hope to return tomorrow to their new clean tank.


"So what does fishy daycare look like," you might ask???

Hey, has anyone seen my sister Flow? Flow?, Floooooow?

Oh, there you are. Hi Flow, how you been?“Good”

It's just your reflection, how many times do I have to tell you that???

I’m staying out of this one...


LOOK! It’s a fresh new look... "Get it? FRESH"

Sweet, This is my room! NO! I called the Tall Tree first! MOM!!!

Kids, Play nice...

Oh Fine, we can share...