time to add fish?


hey guys, i am back again with the all important question: is it ok to add fish?
here are the specs:
55 gal
60 lbs LR
PH: 8.0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: <20
i have had 2 hermits in the tank for alomost 3 weeks now and a small cleanup crew (4 turbo, 6 nassarius, 8 margarita, 3 red reef hermits, 4 blue legs, conch) in there for about 1 1/2 weeks. levels have stayed consistent and i do a weekly 10-20% water change. the only deaths i have had were 2 red reef hermits (cant figure out why as the other is healthy and just molted).
i hope to get a pair of true percs and see how that goes for at least 2 months. what do you guys think?


levels look good, but... have you seen a spike yet? in any of the levels? how long total has it been set up?
if you've seen them all spike and come back down... then i'd say yes, its safe to add fish. but i would only add one at first... give it a few weeks, then add your other perc
make sure to take a pic and let us see :joy:


Active Member
If you tank cycled properly 2 percs are ok to add at once, you don't want one claiming territory and beating up the second one later.


Originally Posted by laust
levels look good, but... have you seen a spike yet? in any of the levels? how long total has it been set up?
if you've seen them all spike and come back down... then i'd say yes, its safe to add fish. but i would only add one at first... give it a few weeks, then add your other perc
make sure to take a pic and let us see :joy:

tank has been up for about 5-6 weeks now and has cycled (spikes and recessions). i cycled with LR and tested to make sure that all was well with the 2 hermits (levels were same as they are now). i will try to take pics when i get them!! :joy: