Time to give up on anenome?


Ok, I know that I should not have an anenome in my tank right now because it is under 2 months old. My friend decided that he did not want his green bubble tip any more and was just going to flush it (ugh) so I told him that I would take it. All of my water parameters have stayed very stable since my cycle completed and I have 220 watts of PC on my 55 so I reasoned it was worth a shot; it had a better chance in my tank than in the toilet, no?
Anyhow, the anenome had been fine for me the entire 2 weeks I've had it. It moved between two rocks the first night I had it but was still open to full light. It opened up fully the 2nd night and hosted my tomato then. Just yesterday it started moving from between the rocks onto the side of one.
All day today it had been full and looked healthy. Just a few minutes ago I noticed that it was almost completely wilted. In a matter of 1-2 hours it wilted like this. It now droops on the rock (still attatched) and looks really pitiful. It still has full color, a nice vibrant lime green, but looks unhealthy.
I just now tested water and it looks like this:
no2 0
no3 15-20
nh3 0
salinity 1.025
temp 81-82 (hard to read exactly)
The nitrate is a little higher than normal, I have a 15% water change scheduled for tomorrow (I do regular weekly changes) so that should lower it a bit. I had two mexican turbos die recently from being sucked into a filter, that may be what gave the increase although I thought I got them in time. Other than that everything stays at these readings. Salinity sometimes goes up to 1.026 if I'm gone all day and can't top off but this happens like once every 3 weeks (not recently).
Should I give up on him? I thought it might be normal seeing how he is fairly new to the tank; other threads said this "may" be slightly normal as they are acclimating themselves to a tank. No excretions, good color, still attatching.
Any suggestions?


Is it possible that it is just deflating? Mine seems to do that about once a week - scared the heck out of me the first time...usually in an hour or so it looks better.


How many days or how long have you had him? It takes at least a couple of week for an anemone to acclimate itself to a new tank condition.


Now that I rethink about it, I've had the anenome for about 9 days. I looked again later (after lights were off) and it had inflated some again. It wasn't as full as it was, but it looked a hell of a lot better. Right now my tomato is inside of it and it is cupped around him like a bed or something.
He still looks strongly attatched; I really hope that it was just deflating for whatever reason. It did freak me out, hopefully it is alright. I'll give an update tomorrow afternoon.


Kind of a late update, but whatever:
The anemone has been ok lately. It filled up then withered up once more, but now is full again. According to another thread who's poster put a pic of his BTA mine is probably a little bleached although it has more color than his pic.
I also got it to eat for the first time yesterday. I tried feeding it the 2nd day I had it but food kept dropping off. I figured he wasn't interested because it was in a new tank so I waited. I don't have any silversides (or whatever they are) so I just offered it some raw, locally caught shrimp pieces. It was very eager to eat them. I just gave it a couple of really small pieces (no more than 1 cc worth). Is it ok to feed it again today and the next couple of days until it really gets situated?
All parameters are still stable, I've been checking every few days since his problem.


About all you can do is try, if it enjoyed them then you can continue to do it.


my BTA has been acting the same way. i got mine to eat a piece of shrimp last night. he went for it quick. i also ordered me some fans for my canopy. when mine first wilted up my tank temp was a lil high. i am running 4 x 55 pc lights on my 29 gallon. mine is a lil bleached but im really hoping that it will be alot better when i get home. im also thinking of moving it to the other side of the tank. maybe he wil fine a better home that way. dur the night he attaches to a rock side ways. when the lights come on he goes to the sand. im hoping moving helps also.
one quick question. do these have much of a sting? i know all anemone's do but just wondering.
keep me posted on how your is going and i will try to post a pic of mine tonight.



Originally posted by evilss
my BTA has been acting the same way.
one quick question. do these have much of a sting? i know all anemone's do but just wondering.

In my case I have never had a problem handling my BTA's, no noticable sting, but then I rarely if ever touch them anymore. The have one of the lesser potent stings IMO.