Time to Upgrade


Hello all.
I currently have 37g reef tank with several corals, lemon peel angel, purple chromis and two perc clowns. Sand bed and about 40 lbs of live rock.
I plan on upgrading to a 90g tank. What is the preferred method of using my current 37g to setup the 90g. I do want to transfer what I have to the new setup!


Get your 90 gal started let it cycle first then slowly move your stuff over and keep an eye on your levels. What I did when I move my 55 to my 100 I would take a couple pieces of rock and cups of sand over every couple of days just make sure your ammonia does not get out of hand. just move your fish and inverts when every thing is settled


Active Member
Originally Posted by quads4_lif
Get your 90 gal started let it cycle first then slowly move your stuff over and keep an eye on your levels.
I would say just transfer everything over, then start filling it up..Use the 37 gallons of already cycled water...Use your sand as the seed for the other 60 or so pounds, and you are good to go..


if you stir up your sand bed up from the 37 gal you will release some hydrogen sulfide from anoxic regions in the aquarium. not to mention the uneaten food and anything decaying. Which will send your amonia and nitrites through the roof. You can however do a water swap. Get your 90 gal going then after the water has cleared pull out about 10 gal and drain 10 gal from your 37 and swap the water put the new water in the 37 and take the 10 gal from the 37 and replace what you got out of your 90.