Timer For Moon Lights


I have 12g nano dx. Has anyone figured out how to put the moonlights on a seperate timer than the main lights? Right now I have to remember to turn my main lights off 1 hour before the lights go off.


So, you guys don't have a timer you just flip the switch on the ballast to turn the main lights on and off?


Active Member
Do you mind me asking where you bought your moon lights?
Were they expensive?
How big is the light (inches)?


New Member
Are the moon lights LED? I'd be worried about extra heat in such a small tank. I bet they are. Running a second timer shouldn't be a problem. You could plug two of them directly onto a power strip if you wanted to. I have four little LED spotlights (blue and green) that are on a timer without a problem. Looks great at night. I hope the fish don't mind. :thinking:


Active Member
Guys, the nano cubes don't have separate power cords for the moonlights and the main lights. You can't use a timer to control them separately, that's what rowdy was saying.
I documented a tutorial on how to fix this on my web site.
Click on "HowTo/DIY." You'll see the article.


SCSInet is right my moon lights came with the setup. So, I've added nothing. SCSInet thanks for the website I'm going to check it out.