Tiny Aiptasia


Hey I think I just got my first Aiptasia! It is still real small. smaller then even my pinkie finger nail. I have syringes cause I'm diabetic but I still think it would be hard to inject the little bugger, so could I just remove him with like a razor blade(it is on the glass wall), or squirt around it with like joes juice? Any advice is appreciated. THanks.


Manually removing is tough, unless it is in the sand/crushed coral. I was able to just grab those guys. Removing from LR is much tougher as they can shrink real small, real fast.
Joes juice works great. Do not just squirt it around. It has to be squirted into the mouth of the aptasia. Use your syringe, and add some airline or other tubing, aim for the mouth and squirt just a bit into it. Do it slowly, if you move too much around the aptasia, it will close up quick.


New Member
Injecting it with calcium also works really well... I just jabbed the little sucker and shot him with it... It then turned into a slim and just desintegrated....


Originally Posted by tecster93
Injecting it with calcium also works really well... I just jabbed the little sucker and shot him with it... It then turned into a slim and just desintegrated....
This will work well if you only have 1...using calcium on a prolonged basis can throw calcium levels off a bit. Unless of course, you add calcium anyway :)