Tiny Bubbles....................

My Berlin protien skimmer is clouding my tank with tiny bubbles. I have tried adjusting the air intake several times and cleaning it but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?


add a filter to the end of it, i have a a filter on the end of my corallife needlewheel, and it does great, tested it on the seaclone, same thing...might try that.
Not sure what you mean by "filter" or the "end." The Berlin pump is about half the size of a football and has multiple intake ports. Could you possibly provide me with a little more detail, or even better a picture of your set-up?


i made my return on them outa pvc, and placed this at the end, and kept hte center piece in halfway.

another option, that always works is panty hoses, i acutally run 2 layers of panyt hoses on my return, it prevents alot of stuff from gettin sucked up, and prevents any kind of bubbles from coming outa the return. so place panty hose where it comes out.
either way, one of those might be able to fix your problem