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Ok, ph 8.2,nitrates 0, nitrites 0, ammonia 0. Yes I'm running a skimmer. I just set up a new wet dry the other day. The tank mates are a yellow tang,blueface angel,koran angel,maroon clown. He's not in a coral rock, it's between to pieces of octopus coral. I removed a piece to look at him. There's not a mark in him. I also did a copper test after the first post just to see and there copper's below measurable. I'm running cuprisorb and that's it for chemical filtration. I thought I was having an issue with micro bubbles(covered in another post). This tang was actually a little bit of a bully to all except the blue faced angel.
Okay..the yellow tang is agressive over his territory, adults claim about 6 feet as theirs. A small tang will have trouble establishing his place in the tank.
This would only explain hiding...you posted it was breathing heavy, unless it was just chased into hiding it should not be breahing hard. After just a moment it would go back to normal breathing, just acting shy because it is being bullied.
If it has no mark on it, he isn't being hurt by another fish...since the wet dry is the only change...what were you using before? Also are yo sure you rinsed your hands good? could you have had anything on your hands at all?