tiny little bug-like creatures


I have an aquarium, of course, with a shark egg in it, and some live rock... that's all that's in it right now... but on the shark egg, and I just saw some on my rock, some tiny little bug like looking creatures... they are white... they are all over my shark egg.... what is it? and what do you do to get rid of them?

bang guy

They are probably some type of Pod. Copepods, Isopods, Amphipods, could even be Ostracodes. I would guess they might be Munnid Isopods but I can't really do more than guess without a pic or a detailed description. I'm 99% sure they are just cleaning up the stuff that settled on the egg.


They look like little grains of rice with legs....I guess that's the best that I can do to describe it.... but how do they get there? why are they there? are they good, or bad? If I were to put my hands in the tank to clean it, or move things around, will they attach to me?

bang guy

They are probably detrivores. IMO they are good. They are also excellent food for fish but since you don't have any...
If you put your hand near them they will probably scatter. They probably came in on the egg or rock or both.


The rock I've had for some time, and same with the shark egg, which should be hatching any day now....they just came out about a week ago, and I've had my tank set up for a long time, and the shark egg for about 2 months... so mostly everyone is saying that these little things won't do any harm to anything, and just be fascinating to watch then huh?


The length of them is about this size ' ' they have clear bodies and you can see a white stripe going down the center of the body. does that help in a decription in them?

bang guy

The larger bugs are Munnid Isopods the smaller are Copepods. Both are beneficial food for coral and fish.


Active Member
mine aren't even close to that big. i dont want something that big crawling on my tank. eww.