Tiny little snails.....



over the last few days very small little "things" on the glass. I first thought that they were pieces of sand stuck to the glass, but upon further viewing it looked like they were really tiny snails. About the size of a grain of sand.
Are these harmful, beneficial, or worth worrying about? i ran my magnet over one and heard it crunch so i know that their shells and not something else.
Any thoughts?


I recently got a whole bunch of snails in my tank too. They are probably good. Most likely one of your snails laid eggs and they hatched


Originally Posted by Jesshika
I recently got a whole bunch of snails in my tank too. They are probably good. Most likely one of your snails laid eggs and they hatched

All my other snails have recently died though, due to a nitrate spike i had. Hopefully thats what they are, i need some new snails!!!


It is hard to say without a pic. Did you notice gelatin like things on your glass, rock, or sand? Have you brought the nitrate down?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
It is hard to say without a pic. Did you notice gelatin like things on your glass, rock, or sand? Have you brought the nitrate down?
nope, just the little snail like things. Ill double check, but i dont see any gelly substance. I have brought the nitrates down, but am having a little trouble bringing it down a whole lot.


When you look at them up close, do they seem to resemble a curved tube? They could be tiny tube worms or foraminerfans. I have the latter and they stick to glass and to my rock. Looks kind of cool and when I clean the glass, they all fall to the sand bed below.