Tiny Starfish In My Tankgood Or Bad????


I have about 15-20 (that I am seeing) tiny starfish in my tank. They have 5 white arms with a dark body. Are these baby serpents or brittle stars? I have heard of a pest starfish that fits this description. Should I let them go or try to get them out???


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Do you have a reef tank?
Look up astenria stars and see if they look like them.
yes it is a reef. Could not find the stars you suggested?


Active Member
Do they have very narrow threadlike arms and a round central area, or do the arms merge to the disk, like a seastar?
There are both seastars and brittlestars that are hitch hikers and it is quite unusual to get a problematic one (which would only be the seastar). The sea star is Asterina.
If these are brittlestars they are quite desirable and do not grow larger.


from the archives they look like the white bristtle stars. Not the sea stars. Thank you very much. they arein my refugium and main tank. I like them they are "cute".


Active Member
The overwhelming majority of Asterina stars are harmless. A few can cause problems with coralline algae, and a very very rare few eat corals - SPS or soft. The distinction is nearly impossible to make, even for seastar experts. The majority of people who have these stars, and there are a lot, have no issues at all. Most are feeding on surface films.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jsofield
from the archives they look like the white bristtle stars. Not the sea stars. Thank you very much. they arein my refugium and main tank. I like them they are "cute".
The tiny white one's with five arms are most likely Amphipholis. They reproduce well, won't get larger, and are considered highly desirable


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
The genus is actually Asterina, not Asternia

I had to read that about 10 times before it "clicked"!