tiny white dots


quick ? i have thes tiny white specs look like little white cicrles on a few pieces of lr and all over the back of my glass..they are a little bigger than a pin head..any idea what they could be?


Possible they are harmless filter feeding worms , can't remember the name, hopefully someone else will jump in.


yeah the lr is only about 2 months old...as long as its nothing bad for the tank...thanks guys


atleast now u might be able to get a mandarin because thats pretty much all they eat.
dont mind the water line i'm cleaning


New Member
go to any saltwater dealer and ask for a young pair they will be very happy together and may mate which is very pretty to watch they love to eat them as much as live brime shrimp they are great clean up crews for algea as well


New Member
:notsure: i had two madrine one male and one female for 16 months and never had any but since my female died i had a population to the tiny white dots on my glass also i have since bought another female and all she does is go along my glass and eats them up they are almostgone now like i never had them in the first place


my mistake water just all the white dots on my glass were from every new peice of lr.and my manderin would just go crazy like it was a peice of chocolate.and the guy at my lfs said they were tiny copepods that the mandarin would thrive for. and he said it was showing good signs for my tank