Tiny white dots


I just looked in my tank and all over the glass there are little tiny white bug things, they're a tiny bit bigger than the size of this period>> .
My tank just finished cycling and all i have are three snails, what could this be?


Active Member
Originally Posted by christiiiii
I just looked in my tank and all over the glass there are little tiny white bug things, they're a tiny bit bigger than the size of this period>> .
My tank just finished cycling and all i have are three snails, what could this be?
pods or some type of tube worms or are tue worms a type of copepod?
anyways one of the 2 i have a million tube worms EVERYWHERE thy are on glass and LR.
its a good sign not bad

btw do they look liek they are in a spiral shape?


Active Member
Originally Posted by christiiiii
awesome thanks, they're too small to get a picture.
I was nervous, so theres nothing to worry about?
nope good either way!
are they a spiral shape?
do they move around