Tiny white spot harmful???


New Member
I am new to the saltwater world and just recently got my 75 gal. tank cycled. I am now learning I should have done alot of reading and research first bt was over anxious. There has been 2 blue damsels and some crabs. I just added a nice Coral Beauty 3 days ago that was perfect. He now has a little tiny white spot on top of his back that was not there and his one eye looks a little puffy that I may not have noticed. My question is that are white little spots ALWAYS bad news or coud it be a temporary stress related thing. My saltwater fish book seems pretty vague. I dont wabt to add anything to the tank that might harm the other things. Like the new choco. chio starfish, shrimp and snails. and the one damsel is aggressive...should I get rid of him and do anything with the coral beauty? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. :help:


Sounds like ich, you could post this in the idsease and treatment forum


New Member
I agree, sounds like ich. if you have a smaller tank, say a 10 gallon that you can use as a hospital tank it would be good to treat him in there instead of your main tank. Rid-Ick and other treatments may kill your crabs. Personnally I think Rid-Ick is one of the better treatments and you can buy it at any fresh or salt water stores.