Tiny White Things


Hey guys. This morning I was noticing that there are a bunch tiny little white things on the walls of my tank. the looked like really tiny white fleas or something crawling around. I have a 125 gallon tank with 3" live sand and 80# live rock and a clean up crew, no fish yet. does anyone have any ideas at what these things are?


I'd say they are copepods or something similar. I recently discovered them in my tank and asked about them. Everyone said they are a good thing and a sign that the tank is developing well. Probably came from your lr or ls.
with good live sand or live rock (or both) and good water conditions copepods will appear, there a good natural food sorce, but its a good sign that your tank is doing well


New Member
I too have tiny white things. Mine are on the live rock. There is only one rock with them on it. They look like pieces of cotton. They do take the shape of a small bug. Is this the same thing? or something different?