Tips for keeping porcupine puffers alive :(

I have had 3 die.. Nitrates = 25-35 Nitrite = 0 ammonia = 0
125 gallon.
What am I doing wrong? Tank has been set up for 6 months.. the other inhabitants are fine and not picking on them.


Active Member
what are the other inhabitants? how long afterwards are they dying? how are you acclimating? Are they from an LFS if so were they eating and how long ago did they get them in? Are they eating anything in your tank?
just some more questions to try and help..
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
what are the other inhabitants? how long afterwards are they dying? how are you acclimating? Are they from an LFS if so were they eating and how long ago did they get them in? Are they eating anything in your tank?
just some more questions to try and help..
Other inhabitants include a yellow tang, purple tang, powder blue tang, foxface, tiny humu humu trigger, a couple damsels, and a bicolor goatfish.
I am drip acclimating (hour) and they die about a week later to 2 weeks later.
They are fromt he LFS (I work there) They are eating krill, bring shrimp, and feeder guppies (to start them eating)
Also I order fish, and I take them from the bags they arrive in, and put them in my tank when they're ordered.
Could he have eaten too much 4 days ago he ate almost 30 small feeder guppies...but this is the 3rd or 4th one I've killed :( I feel bad.


Active Member
im not 100% sure on this but i think feeder guppies arnt very nutrishous? or is that wrong? umm well how you answered it sounded like it had a varied diet.. how long did the lfs get them in before you brought it home?