Tips for keeping Regal Tang?


Hey all - I just made my very first purchase of a saltwater fish! I am very excited to have this little fella in my tank, and he seems to be acclimating very well to the tank set up I have. I got my Regal Tang for $24, and he's very young. He is less than an inch long right now.
Other than the basics of what to feed him and that he needs lots of hiding places, I would like to know if anyone has any more tips on how to keep this incredible looking fish happy and healthy for a long time.
By the way, I am feeding him brine shrimp, and he seems to enjoy them a whole lot! He found some nice little hiding spots, and I am worried that they might be TOO little... they're very narrow and he had a little trouble backing out. Should I be concerned that he'll get stuck in them?
Once again, thanks for the help in advance!


Congrads on trying saltwater, it'll get addictive if you give it the chance!
As for a Blue Regal Tang, they are very prone to breaking out with ich. Watch to prevent any temperature fluctuations, and try to put small pieces of leaf algae in lettuce clips inside the tank for him to eat, they love it-plus you they need it to grow healthy, mix up the brine shrimp you're feeding him also with a few different kinds. As for getting stuck in caves, yes they can get stuck, try making STABLE caves with larger pieces of live rock.
Best of luck


Thanks for all that info! I've already run out and bought a lettuce clip for the seaweed, and this little guy LOVES that stuff. One of my shrimp made a courageous leap straight up (about 5 inches off the rock) to grab some of it as well.
As for the hiding spots, I'm kind of confused. Can a hiding spot be too big for a tang? I have a nice piece of LR with a big hole right through it. It's about 2 inches in diameter in the center, with the two openings being about 1 inch in diameter. When I found it at the LFS, I thought it would be the perfect spot for a fish to hide when it needed to... but the Regal hasn't even so much as shaken its fin in its direction.
Thanks for the help so far!


I just got a little regal from and it is so funny. Instead of hiding most of the time like they are known for, mine is out in full view all day swimming against the current of my powerhead. He is just a tiny little guy and the powerhead blows him all around. They are such fun fish.


They are fun fish to have but I hope you did your homework cuz tangs are so prone to ich and other diseases. Nice fish but to start with some damsels or clowns would have been a better choice.


Yeah, I've definetly done my homework on this guy. I've taken a lot of notes, and I am taking my precautions on taking good care of him. If he starts showing signs of being unhappy at all, I will definely take him to my local LFS because I know they can take care of him (they have had one for several years in the same tank). I know that a damsel or clown would have been easier for me to start with... but I also know that they'll get big and kinda mean. I wanted to start with someone who would be nice to have in the tank all the time.
I'll keep you updated on how he does!
Thanks again!