tips for taking pic's?


sinner's girl

Are you only going to do inverts, or is it going to be a reef?
No reef, not for me. Inverts for sure, I want fish...just not sure if I'll get them. I'm thinking I'll get 2-3 little ones. Depends on money...I'm not working, I just bought the last of the sand, and a new thermonter and new filters, I still need a refratormeter and after that, my fish fund will be close to empty. I'd love to order more inverts from here, esp seeing as how I don't get much of a selection from lfs, and I might add a fish or two if I do.
Kodak digi's stink if your going to pay the money
I love my camera, in no way does it stink, besides I already have it.
Oh yeah, do you remember the blue linkia star post I had a week or 2 ago? Well he is starting to move around, is this a good sign?
If he's moving that's a good sign, just keep your water as close to perfect as you can, read up on them, add more lr if you can. Remember good light will help stuff grow on the lr and increase his food source (which is unknown, but they do feed off of lr).
K-ROK, I'll try putting the lense on the glass. Thanks
If I have enough light, I can get some, the problem is not freaking the stars out. When I have my tank set in my office, I'll use my lamp and desk light for more lights.
Here's what I've taken lately, the glass needs cleans, but when a photo opp comes along I take it.
My serpent:

after almost a year since we put him in, I was able to catch a shot, I always just see legs sticking out of lr. Green brittle (I didn't order a green brittle, I ordered brown and got green, I know he needs a 100gl tank...but I can't do much about that now)
CC on back glass
Under side of Serpent on front glass
