Tips on feeding a Coral Beauty


Active Member
HI all -
I got a coral beauty Friday. He came from a tank w/ a purple tang who had hlle.
He acts ok I guess...not really sure how they are suppose to act. He is very active and swims constantly in his 10 gallon QT.
I saw him about 1-2 weeks before I bought him and noticed some white spots on his top fin. I did not buy him cause I thought it might be ich. Well I went back a few weeks later and he was still there but now put in that tank w/ the tang. The tang I thought was being a bully cause he kept the cb benind a rock.
So I bought him brought him home and stuck him in the QT. I lowered the SG to 1.009 over 48 hours just in case these spots are ich. He has a couple on his two side fins and then the same large spot or many spots on the top fin. I can't seem to get a good picture showing the spots on the very top but here are the pictures I have.
Anyway I am having trouble getting him to eat.
I have tried live brine (the day I brought him home), emerald entree, formula two frozen, formula two pellets, formula one frozen, flakes, my homemade food, spirluna soft pellets, and algae sheets.
I can't seem to get him to take more than 1 bite if that of anything. I have tried soaking in garlic and vitamins and also tried without doing it. I even soaked some chaeto in garlic and put it on the clip.

Any tips? Anything I haven't tried?
He is in the QT w/ a large PVC pipe to hide in - which he does not.


Active Member
they stress very easily and when that happens they go on a hunger strike, check ur water parameters to see if everything is alright, also live mysis is a good way to get them to eat even frozen is pretty good too, also fresh fish or shrimp can get them to start to eat just grate some very small pieces and offer it to your angel


Active Member
OH I left that off the list. I have tried frozen mysis as well as marine cusine also. Water tests all 0 so IDK what else to do.


from what im seeing on the pics im thinking its lymphocycis but you would have to ask saltwaterfishes leading disease identifyer beth, she will know in 2 seconds lol. but with the fish not eating they make some stuff called Entice its made for fish that refuse to eat like morish idols and things like that. its worked for me.


Active Member
it could also be a simple bacterial infection or fungal both could be from bad water quality in the LFS.HLLE is not known to be a contagous illness its based more upon a fishes vit deficiancy due to improper diet.i suggest raising that qt sg to a normal level to releive alot of unnessesary stress.and treat with for food ocean nutrition makes an angel food formulated just for angels it contains natural sponges that the fish eat in the wild(this is very important for the health of angels) also try feeding mysis shrimp soaked in selcon and garlic extreme this will also help boost his natural imune system.if hes not eating you can direct dose the tank water so he can get the nutrients via direct to blood stream(by way of gills).ps these fish do not do well in cramped quarters.try to reduce stress levels drasticly for him


Active Member
OK so we do not think it is ich then? If it were ich how long does it take for the spots to fall off in hypo? I do not doubt at all about the bad water conditions at the lfs. His tanks always look pretty bad. I just happen to go in and he still had this fish and it is just so pretty. (More colorful than most I have seen). So I figured if it was ich I could hypo it. I figured 10 gallons would be ok for a temporary set up.
And u are telling me to treat it w/ meds even if we don't know what it is?? :notsure:


Active Member
Ok Mr_Bill just told me that it does look like lymphocycis also. But he said that hypo should kill it just like hypo kills ich.
Anyone else?


lympho is caused by stress and will only be 'cured' with good water parameters and a healthy balanced diet. It isn't a bacterial or parasitic disease.


Active Member
Here's a little more information T, it looks like I was wrong about it being a parasite but you can see how it could be linked to the hypo as a cure since isolation is the only known treatment with the monitoring for secondary infection as a result of the this infection.
Hope this helps, when one of my fish had it... as I told you I just kept up a good diet and reduced any stress in tank.
"Incidence of Lymphocystis
Lymphocystis is the most common viral infection of aquarium fish. Although lymphocystis disease has a low mortality rate, it may leave an individual disfigured. This disfigurement can have several consequences. If the gills are affected, the fish can have difficulty breathing. If the lesion is located around the mouth, the fish may have difficulty in feeding or may be unable to feed. Also, infected fish in confined environments or in the wild may be more likely to be targets of aggression or cannibalization. In addition, lymphocystis may be complicated by secondary bacterial or mycotic infections. "
Treatment and Control
Unfortunately, a specific treatment for lymphocystis is not available. Affected fish should be isolated and monitored for secondary bacterial or mycotic infections that should be treated with appropriate drugs. Lesions associated with lymphocystis eventually regress. In some individuals, tumorous lesions may require surgical debulking, particularly when they interfere with prehension "
Lymphocystis is transmitted by direct contact with infected individuals. In aquaria, resident fishes are infected most commonly via the introduction of new infected fish or exposure to fish products that are contaminated with the virus. Trauma to the skin via handling or netting, mating, parasitism, and aggressive behavior accelerates viral transmission among fish. Increased water temperature and stocking density also may facilitate the development of lymphocystis. "


Active Member
Some more info since there isn't a whole lot of info around.
"Lymphocyctis virus. This virus induces massive cells to form which appear grossly as greyish-white masses on the fins and gills. Such abnormal cells may also be found in the muscle and body cavity. May be confused with chlamydial infections (epitheliocystis), parasitic cysts or sarcomas Infections are usually self-limiting and will spontaneously clear of their own accord. "


I agree with Unleashed. Perfect water quality is the start to any cure.
Get the SG in your quarantine tank where it should be.
Angels love to hide. Dont you have any natural looking stuff for your fish to feel more secure inthat QT? My QT has fake corals and rocks in it as well as a log, which looks pretty good, doesnt absorb any chemicals (which I have NEVER had to add)
once you give your fish excellent water quality and more comforting surroundings, it will start eating. Usually CB angels eat anything you put in the tank. They are usually easy keepers. S
Start here, see if you see any improvement. Get your fish eating good quality food, then and ONLY then add any medications-adding themthrough the food is best.
Good luck


Active Member
No i have nothing more natural looking. Once I get the sg right I guess I could add an LR or two.
According to Beth's post on qt's nothing special is necessary, except ph, heater, pvc....that is what I have.
I don't know what else to do. He acts healthy and he is very active. He doesn't try to hide when I go up to the tank. He does swim in his PVC tube but only when he is using it as a tunnel.

He looks fat and he looks happy, and all except the two little spots on his top fin he looks healthy. I am just getting concerned cause he is not eating. He acts interested but doesn't eat. Every now and then he will take a bite.
I do have a 29 gallon that I can move him too if necessary. OR I can leave him where he is and bring up the salinity over a weeks time frame and then move him to the DT and see if he is just better there.