

Hey people i just bought this crazy mean trigger who hates everything.......including my mother (my mom went up to the thing and did the " hey fishy fishy fishy" thing like in duece bigalow and tapped on the glass and the trigger charged the glass scaring her so much it she fell backwards.... :hilarious ). Anyways the LfS sold this to me telling me it was a titan....and they seemed to know what they are talking about but i am skeptical.....so opinions please......



how can you tell cause in some forums they have the exact same fish with the same markings and they say its a titan.... im so confused


Active Member
it looks like a titan to me swf sells yellow margins and they look nothing like that


ok still confused.... can anyone explain why it is TITAN OR IS NOT A TITAN
i am losing my mind ....thanks for the responses so far though


Active Member
Well it is a little tough to see from the pics, but that looks like a titan to me. And they are definitely right. That is quite a nasty trigger. Ranks up there with the undulated and the queen.


how big is it? all the tiny (less than 4") titan triggers ive seen have been ALL white with a few scattered black dots, no black markings on the mouth and eye.


basically if you put the three picture (the margin, titan, and yours) next to each other and look for similarities and differences you should get your answer. i circled similarities in red and differences in blue.
1) your trigger has a black marking around the eye like the titan but the margin lacks this
2) your trigger has a black marking around the mouth like the titan which the margin lacks
3) your trigger has dense spotting on the body like the titan, but the margins spotting is more spaced out
4) your tigger has a black bordered, yellow tail like the titan, but the margin has a yellow tail with a black bar
5) your tirgger lacks the black strip on the tail which the margin has but the titan doesnt have

hope that helps!


the "mustache" on your fish makes it pretty certain that it is a titan. that is one of the defining marks of the titan. those things are bad SOB's


The black around/above the mouth makes it positive. Sometimes reffereed to as the Mustache Trigger. One of the meanest, if not the meanest trigger known. Will attack divers without provocation.
This should be the only fish in the tank - all others will eventually become trigger food.


if u dont mind what did u pay for it i got what was called a titan for 20 titans are eal expensive and grow to 2-3feet mine is about 3 inches and lives with a bursa and snow flake eal hes pretty aggresive but not terrible when i investigated what it was i found it to be a pinapple or black spotted trigger the problem is pet stores dont know the name of fish they sell and call them diffrent names the one i have has all the markings o f titan but no mustach he also has green eyes black over dorsal and eyes and the rest of the body is black dots yellowish tail its a beutifull fish i still looking to find exactly what it is a real titan or yellow margin is super meanits very hard to keep anything with them goodluck i rying to get camra and put up pics


could be Balistoides flavimarginatus and NOT Pseudobalistes viridescens, yes theres a difference.
The Titan (Pseudobalistes viridescens) has more color and a higher price tag.
It is very hard to tell if the fish is small. The colors dont develop until later on.
Sorry mate, but in reality does it make a difference you still got a kicka$$ trigger! They both get huge!