Titan Trigger?...my LFS has one...


Active Member
At least that's what they say. I was there today and saw it. It's about 4-5" long and looks just like the many recent pics posted. I'm no trigger expert, but I've never seen one like it except in books. It was traded in because it was too aggressive. Right now, it's priced low (under $100). The owner says he will ship it FedEx Next Day if someone wants him to. I have no idea how well they ship, I have never needed to have them ship anything before.
If anyone is interested, I would call or email the owner and get him to take a pic for you so you know FOR SURE.
I am only posting this because there have been lots of recent questions about these fish. I have NO affiliation with this store at all and don't know much beyond what I've stated. I have gotten stuff there before, but it's not my USUAL LFS. Here is the LFS info:
Aquatic Specialties
The owner's name is Lee.
If no one gets this fish (whatever it turns out to be) in the next few days, it's going in my eel tank because it's pretty freaking cool and looks mean as hell.


Active Member
Really?! The LFS says the fish would do well with aggressive eels. Do you have experience (or know of experience) to the contrary? I've ready your posts...you seem to know a lot about aggressive fish. I am looking for a fish that can hold its own against my Tesselata. However, I do NOT want a fish that will kick its a$$. I already know that large wrasses, porkys, tangs, and humas will not work. I need a tough trigger or maybe a lion or type of grouper.
But here is a perfect example of why I don't always trust the LFS . I've heard contrary advice so many times on this board, and more often than not, the advice on this board is more accurate. I admit, I sponged off the experience here long before I ever posted.
I would appreciate any advice you have on tankmates for my treasured eel. He is my absolute favorite. FYI, I don't have room for any kind of shark, save a cat shark, and I don't want one of those. Thanks.


Active Member
When you mix a tessy or a titan, or any super aggressive fish, it is a powder keg waiting to ignite, imo. It may work out. Both are two of the baddest fish out there. I've read of tessy's eating clown triggers :eek: . How long has your tessy and blackedge been in the tank? It could really be hit or miss.......Bo


Active Member
They've cohabitated since August wihtout incident. I suppose I should worry more about the trigger taking on my blackedge. I'm quite attached to him, he was my first ever eel and weathered my many mistakes when I was an eel-newbie. I feel like I owe him.
My LFS called, though and said someone had made an inquiry into that trigger. So it's not looking like I will have that fish in my tank.
If that trigger can't survive my eel...I would still wonder if there IS a fish that can live in peaceful coexistence with my eels. I'm thinking there may not be anything beyond some sort of shark, and I'm not willing to, and not equipped to have that kind of tank.


New Member
thanks a lot for the info. i asked him if he can email me a picture. can youlet me know where he is located thanks
I had a blackedge eel until he escaped in a tank with a titan, a clown trigger, and a niger trigger and the eel owned the tank. The clown trigger and the niger shared the same cave as the eel. If it is possible for your eels to eat a clown trigger I would not buy the titan. My clown trigger is more aggressive than the big titan I have.


Active Member
You must have had one high strung blackedge! Or mine's really mellow. In any case, I can't seem to find good info on a fish that would survive my eel tag-team. If a butt-kicking trigger wouldn't make it, I'm thinking not much else will.


There is a LFS by me that has a large Tesselatta and a large miniatus grouper in the same 70-gal tank for sale. They've been in there from months. Not only have they been in there, but they share the same hiding place, side by side.
You'd almost have to see it to believe it.


Active Member
!!!!!, but it gives me some hope. Those groupers are nice looking fish. But after all the warnings, I'm going to hold off until I see how the Tesselata acts over the course of the year. I've only had him since August and I'm sure I've only seen the beginnings of his behavior.