tne1cancme's 24 AP


Hi everybody, been absent from the boards for a while. Laptop died and bird chewed my camera cable in half, among other personal probs.
Thought I would share some pics from my new camera.
24g Aquapod, 20lbs of live sand, 30lb live rock-28 in DT, 2 crushed in first chamber. OEM pump changed out for a MJ 1200, powersweep 250 for added flow. OEM sunpaq dual daylight and dual actinics with moonlights.
a tomato clown,a yellow watchman goby, a fireshrimp,a sand sifting star and numerous scarlet hermits. Lots of mushrooms, green hairy, blue speckled, red discosoma (i think) and purple tongans. A few candy canes and some pulsing Xenia.



Sweeet... Looks amazing.. Lotta coraline, looks good. How long has it been running again??
And how is tht sand sifting star?? I'm thinkin of putting one in my BC 14 but not sure if he will have enough room...


The tank has been up since May '07, this is our second sand sifter he's been in there since Aug 07. The first one succumbed to a total tank melt down due to a AC malfunction in the house while we were gone. I supplement his diet with tiny chunks of squid that I squirt under him about every other week.
Thanks for the compliments


They're easy, they multiply fast, they look cool and oh yeah, they're cheap.

When my tank crashed in 07 they released from the rocks and spread out all over my tank, I thought we had lost most of them but they have gradually spread out until they are everywhere.


I'm pretty satisfied with it right now, That and a 30% pay cut in the last 3 months will probably limit what I do any time soon.