to add or not to add


i have a 7x2x2 = 200 gallon oceanic with a hippo tang, and tomini tang. i have been given the ....if you can catch him you can have him challenge for a blochii tang aka ringtail tang. is this something to leave alone or go for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by colbalt60
i have a 7x2x2 = 200 gallon oceanic with a hippo tang, and tomini tang. i have been given the ....if you can catch him you can have him challenge for a blochii tang aka ringtail tang. is this something to leave alone or go for it.
The Ringtail is a very close shape to the other tangs you ahve. I'd pass.


yeah i am torn because i heard this fish can get to like 19 inches. thats huge in my setup. and i doubt i can upgrade ever.


They're very peaceful tangs. The Hippo may boss him around a little, but only if the Hippo is bigger will it last for any length of time. I've never actually seen the Blochii get that large in captivity. I've only seen them get about the size of a large hippo.
They do eat a TON of algae, so if you have two tangs already, something to think about.
To me, they're boring tangs, but free fish are always nice.
If you don't have that many other fish in your tank, I'd say go for it, unless you're thinking of a different tang. FYI, they're REALLY HARD TO CATCH!


i am thinking of a purple tang as well, but if they are a more peaceful tang then i think i may just do it.
any other opinions out there?? this could happen as soon as tomorrow.