to all aquarium keepers


Gee, I never thought of myself as a fish geek.:thinking: Am I a fish geek??? geeeek!!


Hi, my name is Tara... and I'm a fish geek.
My hubby and I were talking today about what we would name a fish store, and I said "Fishaholics Anonymus" And we'd start a 12 step program... !st step- save money... Buy MH's and get a tank free. Then they're hooked, with an empty tank. We'd make a fortune.


yes, i guess i am one of 'B- are obsessed'. my wife like to see the fish, but not into how to maintain it. she knew i spent a lot, just don't know it is that much. I always save all my LFS coupons, and got the expensive stuffs from ---- or on-line stores.
she complained sometime but i try to go on-line or maintain the tanks at night after she sleep.


Active Member
My husband is pretty decent. He gave me a hard time at first, thought fish were useless, after all they're not like a hunting dog that could do something for you (not that my dog does anything either, I've turned him into a powder puff!). I bought the husband a cleaner shrimp that's "his" and he doesn't complain too much. If he does occassionally, its about the $$$. I just remind him of the 25 foot boat he had to have, the seasonal dock he pays for and the gas that goes into it every week, not to mention the beer and food for it, and he pretty much leaves me alone. Gotta love leverage!!!!


I am lucky, at first he was like what ever makes you happy, this is your hobby. After it is up and running with fish and LR, he really enjoys it. He was'nt doing any of the maintence, but he falls asleep in front of the tank more often then not. He calls it his big screen. It relaxes him. Since I became pregnet he has taken over the maintence, I scrape the glass and do the feedings. I was really surprised that he was willing to help with it. We have had the tank for 4 years, and this year is the first for WC for him. As for the money part, as long as the bills are paid and we have extra cash, have fun!:D
Scoobydoo, We also have 2 sib. huskies and a maltese. They are all MY babies, especially the Maltese she follows me everywhere and goes everywhere with me. When she had puppies, I of coarse fell in love with the only male puppy and started calling him Moose. My husband let me keep him. Now he is HIS DOG. It is so funny, everything has changed since it is HIS dog. It really helps to include your spouse.


This is kinda an expensive hobby, my hubby tells me to "fix it" when a problem comes up on the tank. and then he keeps saying, "maybe I should just flush $50 down the toilet everytime I pass it by" Then he is one of the ones enjoying it when everything is running smoothly. But most of all he is understanding.


New Member
I've had my tank for 10 months. I recently went on vacation for a week and all I could think about were the fish back home and if they were all right. Couldn't wait to get home and see them again. Yes, I am sick. :D