To all lion keepers that cant get theirs to eat.


Not to beat the already dead sea horse, but don't feed FW fish to your lion very long. The fat content is too much for a lionfish's liver function to keep up with. Switch to frozen krill or silversides as soon as possible. The best FW live food to offer is still ghost shrimp. I'm glad to hear that your lion is eating, now try to focus on weaning it over to frozen. Be patient.:D


Guppies can live in saltwater. I set up a breeding tank for them to breed. I have read up that guppies are still good though. Any more replies?


No Guppies are BAD!! Mollys are Ok but still not as good as GHost shrimp or Frozen. Please stop feeding yur lion fw feeders nad research a little bit.


I tried frozen foods last night but the lion thinks the food is a threat. Simba actually STUNG the food!


Active Member
Guppies are better than goldfish feeders, and are good for establishing a feeding response from your lion. Now that a response is there, I'd recommend feeding the lion very well for a week, make sure he gets plenty to eat, and then don't feed him for a week. At the end of that second week, he should be ready to eat. He established his feeding response in week one, recognized you as the feeder, and then in the second week he's geting hungrier w/ no food, and he'll start looking.
Then you can easily feed him w/ a feeding stick. Or you could get lucky as I have w/ most of my lions and they'll eat the frozen krill/silversides or whatever as soon as it hits the surface of the water, as the powerhead moves it a bit to get their interest.
I used this method for every lion of the dozen or so I've owned, and I have never had an issue getting any of them to eat. Good luck. And don't worry about the guppies, LFSs always push them, and they're not harmful in the short term. Your lion won't wake up dead tomorrow w/ a defunct liver. But I would wean him off the guppy fry over the next few weeks/months.


Active Member
There shouldnt be any live foods being fed to them at all ideally. Frozen food with vitamins or fresh seafood IMO is the only way to go.
MoaryM hit it on the head. Now that he eats, wait a week and try something else. Dangle it at the surface and make him think its alive. My v lion was so conditioned to this, he used to eat from my fingers.


New Member
that's exactly what i did. I fed a few live fish at first. waited a few days and fed ghost shrimp that i caught. waited 4 days and then fed with a feeding stick. he was afraid of the feeding stick at first but got use to it. a week later all i have to do is take my frozen krill and throw it with some speed into the water and he goes crazy for it. dont even have to use the stick or anything. speaking of, how often do yall feed your lion fish? And what is the deal wiht soaking it in garlic?