To all who have eels!


Active Member
Hey this is about eels and let's keep it at that. I would love to see some smaller sharks in his tank like marbled cats or coral cats, just not sharks that are illegal under 3' and grow much more than that.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok yes let's get back to eels but I hope you chose sharks wisely next time and do some research.
have you ever had sharks?


Active Member
If my dad would let me, I would. Trust me I've researched, read, and drew out plans for small shark ponds. If my dad would support the idea of a small pond in the garage, it would be built already. I may sound hypocritical, but let's just stick with eels. If you want to share your expierence with sharks then let's see them. Or if you're here to argue, then I got a thread about keeping small sharks and rays.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Beautiful eel. Is that a honeycomb?
Thank you i was told it was an Tesselata Eel but they have so many names for different eels now days it might be also known as a honeycomb eel. I was trying to find your post on sharks so i can make a few comments on it about sharks and the ones i had for 2 years in my 350g.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
If my dad would let me, I would. Trust me I've researched, read, and drew out plans for small shark ponds. If my dad would support the idea of a small pond in the garage, it would be built already. I may sound hypocritical, but let's just stick with eels. If you want to share your expierence with sharks then let's see them. Or if you're here to argue, then I got a thread about keeping small sharks and rays.
but you have no real experience with sharks other than what you read about?


Active Member
Do you fastazzr? Who knows more about sharks? Me or a guy I heard about who had 2 bamboos in a 90 and feed them goldfish? Sometimes a person who has never expierenced something knows more than someone who has expierenced something. Just read about it? Are you kidding? I lived, breathed, and dreamed about sharks. I planned out ponds to the t. I frequently visit a forum dedicated to sharks and rays and have asked and commented on there over 100 times in my first month. If you want to argue, then PM, don't take up this guys thread about eels. If you're complaining about me ruinning a thread, you guys have posted more stuff against me than I did asking him questions.
BIGMAN, I created the thread, Thinking of a Small Shark or Ray?, for people who want a shark but usually chose too big of sharks for smaller tanks. Most of them don't realize that their sharks are to big but there are smaller sharks out there that can fit comforatably in their tank.
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Do you fastazzr? Who knows more about sharks? Me or a guy I heard about who had 2 bamboos in a 90 and feed them goldfish? Sometimes a person who has never expierenced something knows more than someone who has expierenced something. Just read about it? Are you kidding? I lived, breathed, and dreamed about sharks. I planned out ponds to the t. I frequently visit a forum dedicated to sharks and rays and have asked and commented on there over 100 times in my first month. If you want to argue, then PM, don't take up this guys thread about eels. If you're complaining about me ruinning a thread, you guys have posted more stuff against me than I did asking him questions.
BIGMAN, I created the thread, Thinking of a Small Shark or Ray?, for people who want a shark but usually chose too big of sharks for smaller tanks. Most of them don't realize that their sharks are to big but there are smaller sharks out there that can fit comforatably in their tank.
uh okay first of all i believe you have no right to tel bigman that those sharks are too big for that aquarium ( which you where right a few had to go, some coulda stayed) because you never have kept a shark tank


Active Member
Ok, Bigman, I'm sorry and I'm suprised how offended everyone was. I hope it wasn't taken wrongly, I just got the best interest for the sharks at heart. Also we're considering that one of the sharks could be illegal. When did you have the leapord shark and how big was it Bigman?


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok, Bigman, I'm sorry and I'm suprised how offended everyone was. I hope it wasn't taken wrongly, I just got the best interest for the sharks at heart. Also we're considering that one of the sharks could be illegal. When did you have the leapord shark and how big was it Bigman?
No problem bro. I dont wanna say how big the sharks were they may or may not have been legal. but i understand that you have the intreset of the shark. But so did i. I did not wanna lose any nor did i wanna waste money because they can cost alot. But i keep them for a year or so this time 2 year . they were ok in my pond but once they start to get big i trade them in for credit at my lfs. The longest ive kept 1 single shark was 3 years.


Active Member
I'm sure it did get expensive. I don't know of sending back to the lfs was any better becuase usually lfs don't have big tanks.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I'm sure it did get expensive. I don't know of sending back to the lfs was any better becuase usually lfs don't have big tanks.
I just finished reading this thread and my God!
Let it go....leave it alone...forget about it.
The sharks are gone....let it go.


Well before I get into my real post let me start off by saying amazing eels. Now onto this Shark issue. You can read, post, and ask questions as much as you like. But until you actually own a Shark or Ray and have that first hand experience you are just stating facts which anyone who could read or write will know. However inorder to get to the stage where you are capable of housing Sharks and Rays ethically you need to go through all of those stages so I am happy lots of people are doing that. As for Bigmans Shark, from what I can see he had 2 Nurses, 1 Leopard, and 1-2 misc. Rays. The Rays would have been fine in his set up, the Nurses would have been fine in his setup as well for 1-2 years, and the Leopard seeing the small size of it would have been fine for up to about 2.5 years. He said the longest he had one of the Sharks was 3 years so really he wasn't doing anything in an un-ethical sense. Some may argue he shouldn't have purchased those Sharks knowing they would outgrow his system, however atleast he was smart enough to get rid of the Sharks when he knew they had out grown his tank. On a side note, that Leopard does look a little small, but the whole Lacey Act ordeal in my mind is just stupid and out played. As long as a knowledgable experienced Aquarist wants to own a Leopard under 36" go for it. Its when the Leopard pups are being sold to LFS to people with 90 gallon tanks the whole process becomes an issue.


Originally Posted by Brenden
Well before I get into my real post let me start off by saying amazing eels. Now onto this Shark issue. You can read, post, and ask questions as much as you like. But until you actually own a Shark or Ray and have that first hand experience you are just stating facts which anyone who could read or write will know. However inorder to get to the stage where you are capable of housing Sharks and Rays ethically you need to go through all of those stages so I am happy lots of people are doing that. As for Bigmans Shark, from what I can see he had 2 Nurses, 1 Leopard, and 1-2 misc. Rays. The Rays would have been fine in his set up, the Nurses would have been fine in his setup as well for 1-2 years, and the Leopard seeing the small size of it would have been fine for up to about 2.5 years. He said the longest he had one of the Sharks was 3 years so really he wasn't doing anything in an un-ethical sense. Some may argue he shouldn't have purchased those Sharks knowing they would outgrow his system, however atleast he was smart enough to get rid of the Sharks when he knew they had out grown his tank. On a side note, that Leopard does look a little small, but the whole Lacey Act ordeal in my mind is just stupid and out played. As long as a knowledgable experienced Aquarist wants to own a Leopard under 36" go for it. Its when the Leopard pups are being sold to LFS to people with 90 gallon tanks the whole process becomes an issue.
well said, i couldnt agree more.


Active Member
Ok I'm sorry I'm an idiot who dreams about sharks. Please disregard anything I said, forgive me if offended, and please continue this thread. Eels are an amazing creature so let's see some more!