To Any Shark out there - New Forum Please Nano-Reefs


I was wondering if there was anyway we could make a new forum?? Possible a Nano-Reef forum?? Alot of the members here have Nanos and I myself think that a new forum would be great for nano owners...Who else thinks we should have one?? what are the pros and cons of this??


Active Member
good idea, but we don't make those decisions, however for now, most of the questions and topics do govern under the same as a reef


i totally agree but sometimes its harder to do and understand nanos if people are talking in the 50-200 gallon range....when most nanos are between 2-20 gallons....i just thought it would be nice...if we could possibly get one going...

nm reef

Active Member
It does seem to me that there may be enough of a difference between typical reefs and nanos. The difference in volume alone would make for differences in maintainence. The owner of the board does make all decisions in regard to new forums ... but I'll mention your idea in the shark tank next time I swim in!
Never know it may become a reality...good idea in my opinion. The new members forum seems to be doing well so maybe a nano forum would too.
It is true though that most any question concerning reefs in general does get attention in this forum...there are lots of very experiencied reef keepers that post here and the majority of them can be extremely helpful on an assortment of tyes/ even without a specific nano forum you can still participate here.
Who knows one day I may try a lil un...but after a develope a much bigger one!!!*_^


Actually there alot of stuff for nanos but only select places have them....atleast in my area....i went to maybe 8 lfs in the area and only 2 had anything near what i needed for lighting...luckily this one place had small pc's and that is where i got my lighting....other places have little lighting systems but they look ghetto and shady...the pcs look clean so i got that....ill try to post pics when i can find a way to manipulate my digi pics (ie without photoshop)


Active Member
Well, IMO, PCs work great over a Nano, they can be used in rows, or if it is a 5 gallon, then in succession. Like the following:

[Light Light Light Light]


[Light Light]


[Light Light]


[Light Light]

or even




PS A Nano Forum sounds great! I'm still crossing my fingers for a FW Forum also.


Demo, quite a schematic there! *scratching head* (don't get bent outta shape, you know I'm just messin' with ya)
Anyway..... I think a nano-forum would indeed be very cool. I think there is a huge interest in these little wonders and there popularity seems to be increasing every day. I know they are my new found passion. I just don't think I will ever go back to the big tanks again. For me, the large tanks are the ones that are all the work, hehe.