To anyone with a Bak Pak Skimmer


can you post a picture of the amount of bubbles yours puts in the tank so i can see if mine is right or if i should do something to make mine better. Also if bubbles aren't reaching the top of the tub in the collect cup does that mean that there isn't enough gunk in the tank yet. I'm was about half full of nasty stuff yesterday then today there was nothing more than what was in there yesterday so that's why i'm asking. Or does it mean for some reason i should move the collect cup down alittle?:confused:


Active Member
I get about 5 big bubbles per second, no small ones. It would vary from skimmer to skimmer though.
You can move the cup down a little. You shouldn't really need to empty it out everyday.


i empted out what i got from yesterday because it was about half a cup and i think it was that much because of the tank being set up for about 2 months before the skimmer was on it. And i did move the cup down as much as i could but still no bubbles in the cup:notsure: what does this mean?