To bangaii or not to bangaii


Originally Posted by mabena
scooter mcgaven is awesome..Hes my fav fish. Since ive had him he has doubled in size. always eats the mysis and the pods on my rocks! He's the most active fish in my tank and people are always putting down having a scooter.. Would never trade!!

Not putting down the fish-I think they're great. Just your tanks ability to keep a big enough pod population. Is he eating any frozen food?
Hey any luck in getting the bangaii to eat? I thought I would bump this since I have had my bangaii for over a week and I can't seem to get him to eat anything.
I have tried mysis, live brine, homemade mix (clams, shrimp, scallop, etc), pellets, flakes, you name it. I've also tried feeding at night since he seems more active. The only other fish I have are a sixline wrasse and two ocellaris clownfish which are eating fine. He moves towards the food and I have even seen him try some but then he always spits it out.


New Member
Unfortunately the bangaii didn’t make it. I tried all those same things you are.. I had my first death since i started 8 months ago...It was due to my fault, I ask the lfs to feed the bangaii and it never ate (they told me he just ate) so i made the mistake and bought him anyway.(Oh i KNow) By the way I haven’t gone back there and i refuse to...On the good news i got 2 bangaiis 2weeks ago and their eating and doing great!!! I hope the best for your bangaii..There awesome fish.
BTW..Got a CBR F4i Cant wait for the warm weather!!

It's my own fault too. I never asked to see if it was eating before I bought it and I don't have a quarantine tank to see if it would eat alone. Maybe it is too timid of the other fish.
I noticed the tank it was in at the LFS had about 20 other bangaiis of all different sizes. I wonder if it's lonely. Some other people in this thread seem to think they do better as a pair. I see you got a pair and they are eating so maybe there is something to this.
My brother has an f4i also. I have gsxr 750. Soon the roads will be clear near me!


Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
plus,, its not much more to buy tank raised. I try to buy tank raised everything if possible, just more enviromentaly friendly,, as much as this hobby can be that is, better to do something than nothing.
Come on now; if your profile is current, hardly any of your fish are home grown (aquacultured). Bangaiis are very unique. They are mouthbreeders, so produce very few offspring. They are close to shore and very easy to capture and have a limited range. they also are fairly new to the hobby and became the overnight sensation. All of these factors led to the over-collection. I don't think there are many fish that are harmed at all by collection for the hobby; the % of fish caught that end up in the aquarium trade (as opposed to being sold for food, used as bait,etc) is very small. If hobbiests were doing serious damage to reef populations; places like Hawaii and Australia would stop the practice.