To catch a Pseudochromis...



One should create the following: A plexi-glass panel with a door!
I've had a Purpleback Pseudochromis for over a year now and it has beat up on everything I ever put in the tank. It eats my shrimp, it drives my fish into hiding so I finally got fed up with it and decided to remove it. Now, the trick was to get it out without tearing apart my 20 reef... I remember seeing somewhere how to make what I did, but I think I modified mine... Here are some pics and how I did it:
1) I cut a 15.5" x 6" piece of plexi-glass

2) I then cut a piece out roughly 7" x 3" from the middle of the peice to make a door.

3) I then glued on some guides made of lighting crate so I could open and close the door quickly.

4) Placed it in the corner of the tank.

5) After feeding for 2 days in the top of the corner, I caught the fish!!!! I failed the first time because it jumped so I cut a piece of eggcrate to prevent that!!!



Active Member
Very cool idea! They can definitely be nasty little fish. Very impressive that you got this guy out without moving any rock
I just tried this for my sixline wrasse but I think he was too smart. I think he associated my face with trying to catch him so he always hide when he saw me. I ended up having to drain all the water down to 1" and even then I had to remove most of the rocks. By far the hardest fish I have ever had to catch. Even reeling in a huge tuna was easier by comparision!


Originally Posted by number1Gsxxr
I just tried this for my sixline wrasse but I think he was too smart. I think he associated my face with trying to catch him so he always hide when he saw me. I ended up having to drain all the water down to 1" and even then I had to remove most of the rocks. By far the hardest fish I have ever had to catch. Even reeling in a huge tuna was easier by comparision!
Why did you have to catch your sixline? This is the second one and never had any problem with them. Beautiful fish, always swimming around, never bothered corals and/or other fish.