To clown, or not to clown?


That is my question, and I'd like your personal experiences.
I have a 75-gallon tank. No fish yet, just clean-up crew. Here's what I want when all is said and done:
2 percs (will get them very young)
2 bangaii cardinals/mated
1 six-line
1 sleeper goby
1 mandarin
The goby and mandarin are dependant upon the pod population, so one of them might have to be replaced on the list.
I've heard conflicting stories about clown fish. Yesterday, the guy at my LFS was telling me about how often (and how many)people try to turn in their clown fish because they've become the tank bully.
Mean clowns? Happy clowns? Any insights? And, any information about the order in which I should add these fish (have also gotten conflicting information here...the only information that hasn't conflicted has been about the goby/mandarin as far as waiting to add them until all is established and I have lots of pods). :confused:


It sounds like your going to have a similar setup to my 80 gal. I have had two percs in there and a number of my friends have had them without any aggressive behaviors at all. When somebody mentions aggressive clowns, I immediately think of Maroon Clowns, they are known for being aggressive. The percs just don't get that big and are about the sweetest tempered fish I've had. I still haven't kept cardinals so I can't speak there. have had a dragon wrasse pass through my 80 with no bad behaviors between him and tank mates...although my damsels like to reassure themselves that they're cool enough to retain their personal spots. I haven't had a sleeper, but have kept what was sold as a "red scooter blenny" he's actually a dragonette I believe(jury still kinda out), and will be adding a mandarin before too long. Nobody bothers mr. scooter and he doesn't bother anyone else...seems to be a real respect thing there. Speaking to the order of addition, I left 4 damsels in the tank from cycling, and despite all the horror stories, have never had an issue with them. After them came the clean up crew, then mr. scooter, then the dragon wrasse(who was purchased not looking good, and passed on before too long) :(, after him came the coral beauty. I've always generally added my new friends right at or just after the lights go off. These guys have been the mainstay's in the tank, a few others stopped by for a visit and them moved on to other tanks, but have never had issues with quarrels. I'm planning on adding either a yellow corris wrasse or a sixline, and the mandarin, with a tang of somekind last. that's my two cents, don't stress abou it! Dave
[ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: OceanBlue ]


When I first started, I had six percula clown fish, and they were so sweet. I eventually got rid of five and still have the one, he is so nice, does not bother anyone and stays to himself. Never even noticed new tank mates when they were added.


JWTrojan44, Question for you.
I have a 20 gallon FOWLR, and have 1 False Perc. Clown, 3 Green Cromis Damsels, and a Cleaner Shrimp.
Am I too crowded? A guy in some movie I saw said that if you add up the lengths in inches of each fish in your tank, and that number is 1/2 the # of gallons you have in your tank, then you're set.
But I just don't know for sure.
What do you think? :confused:
I just got two true percula's today and I'm excited. I think I got a pair because they stay together alot of the time. I'll have picture's of shorty and rosey in a couple of days on my webpage.