To Crab or not to Crab?


OK Guys and Ladies,
Lets see how many in here have just snails? How many have just crabs? Or Both. I'm thinking about taking out my crabs because they keep messing and killing my snails. Give me your ideas.


Active Member
get MONEY cowries instead of snails and hermits cant get their shells. some argue they can cause problems, but as an owner of multiples for over a year, they clean up algae better than anything out there and never bother anything. loose corals may be a problem because they can knock them over, but who has loose corals anyway?


Its natural, if your talking about hermits. Just every once in a while replace some of the snails.Both are great for the tank.


Active Member
I have snails and three emerald crabs in my DT (125 gal) and I have my hermits down in my sump. So far things have worked out great.


If I were to pick one thing I regret about my current setup that I'm going to rectify when I move tanks its the blue-legs in the DT.
They killed my entire population of nass. snails despite ample feeding ground and extra shells. I think once they get the taste of murder they just start doing it for snacks and extra shells for the hell of it.
I will be banishing all but my emeralds and scarlets (these are less active and violent) to the Fuge when I transfer to my upgrade in september.