
I am going to be setting up and purchasing a new tank soon. I need the benefits, the negatives of REEF READY overflows vs. just buying the over flow boxes. I would like views of some with their experiences of both. thank you!! tank will be at least 150....


Active Member
Oh, no question get it drilled with built in's. No question at all, IMO. Not even a thought to boxes.

mpls man

Active Member
I wish i would have got my 75 gal drilled, i have overflow boxes on mine, i've managed to get it very quiet over many changes but drilling would be the best way to go.


wow, cool, glad to have the responses. I am going to get it drilled then for sure. I think I am going to do an upgrade from my 90 to a 180....whew!!!


Drill... plus you don't have to worry about getting a syphon restarted if power goes out. No one likes coming home to a flooded house.


Active Member
i have a tank that is not drilled, but i would like to have a sump/fuge.... does anyone have any alternatives to an overflow box or any plans for one maybe ? :D


Ohiorne, Ive used overflow boxes for over a decade on both salt and fresh water, do yourself a favor and drill your over flows in. The boxes are a pain in the a##! Unfortunatly the majoraty of my tanks are glass so thats my only option with those tanks.


Active Member
i dont think you will find one person to say over flow boxes are better then drilled.
i have used both and i will never buy an undrilled tank again.


Active Member
I suppose if your tank cracked while being drilled - that might be an argument for going with the boxes :D


It is possible, but your not supposed to drill tempered glass. Check out the equipment & DIY forum, I know Squidd has drilled his own glass tank (he drilled his sump for a return), but I'm to nervous to ruin my 150 to even try it.
Ophiura, cracking the glass isn't a reason to get an overflow box... it's a reason to get a bigger tank with the overflows built in! :)


love all the opinions....geeeeeee, guess i will get a drilled tank!!! I am really looking forward to having the sump and majority of my equipment being in the sump. I love the remoraC hang on skimmer but it is a bit noisier than I would like....does a great job though....just went to a friends house and her tank was silent.....ahhhhhhhhh....


Active Member
built in over flows are a little more reliable, the down side is they take up more room. I used a small HOB overflow for 10+ years, it NEVER failed..Since then I've had all my tanks built with overflows.
If the glass is tempered you can't drill it..Most tank builders (most that I know of) will use tempered glasson the bottom so be sure before you drill.


Originally Posted by bchbum189
im guessing theres no way of drilling a glass tank? how could you without it cracking?
You can have any tank drilled as long as it is NOT temperd glass (most tanks are only temperd on the bottoms as was mine) it really is not that hard to do it just takes time and a diamond tipped bit. I actaully have a 2.5" diamond bit for sale that drills for 1.5" bulkheads. I bought the bit to drill the back of my 150 gallon reef for 2 1.5" drains to the sump. The bits are expensive about $80 for the economy one that is supposed to drill about 15-20 holes through 5/8" glass. Cracking the glass really is hard to do.... you do not press hard to drill glass you "grind" through the glass. It takes about 5-8 min with a slow RPM and water running on the bit to cool while drilling. If anyone is intrested in buying the bit from me let me know......make an offer remember I paid $80 and only drilld 2 holes with it. It has plenty of life left in it yet.


Originally Posted by EvilBob22
It is possible, but your not supposed to drill tempered glass. Check out the equipment & DIY forum, I know Squidd has drilled his own glass tank (he drilled his sump for a return), but I'm to nervous to ruin my 150 to even try it.
Ophiura, cracking the glass isn't a reason to get an overflow box... it's a reason to get a bigger tank with the overflows built in! :)
yes squidd drilled his sump but it was NOT temperd glass.
Yes it is possible to drill temperd glass but near IMPOSSIBLE without shattering it. Drilled glass that is temperd is drilled prior to being temperd. The prosess of tempering glass is heating it up untill it glows red, the surface of the glass is stretched from the heat and causes a a "pull" on the ******** of the glass making it about 10 times harder to break than non temperd glass. However once the surface tension of temperd glass is broke the pull from the ******** of the glass causes it to shatter into a millon little peices.


Active Member
im currently setting up a reef tank, it has an over flow in the center with drilled holes, was a HUGE pain to set up..(im new to plumbing) ...word of advice, go to a pool shop for your parts. but drilled does seem to be looking like a good investment,...if your looking to buy a tank i would personally get an acylic tank if i were you, what i did...i have mine full...and the rounded corners look amazing, everyone that comes over says how much better it looks then a standard glass its more clear then glass.
just my 2 cents.